The Aha!NOW blog caters to your personal, social, and professional needs. This is your place to seek answers and solutions and a daily dose of inspiration.
but there remains a service gap for adults. The Austin Health Adult Undiagnosed Disease Program (AHA-UDP) was designed to complement existing UDP programs that focus on paediatric rare diseases and address an area of unmet diagnostic
Product Ops Support User Onboarding Resources Customer Experience What Is a Digital Adoption Platform? Learn how DAPs enable technology users in our ultimate guide. Resources Case Studies eBooks Podcasts White Papers Explore Whatfix Whatfix DAP
Features like Navigation Ping take months to produce, and we were often tempted to test the feature ourselves. However, we found that our attempts at testing a feature intended for players with low or no vision felt short, as the small group creating this feature did not have any vision dis...
ATP III guidelines: Levels of LDL should be below 100 TNT, SEARCH, IDEAL Address the issue of how low to go REVERSAL First study to test this question The results, in my opinion, look very promising. Grundy REVERSAL: Surprised In the pravastatin group, 176 patients had LDL 100, with a ...
Ideal effect of this repo: when I want to dive into a subject I can easily find high-quality information here. Philosophy of this repo: you are what you read. This is at least half true (same people same reading very different results), I hope to leave a record of my learning path,...
The Aha!NOW blog caters to your personal, social, and professional needs. This is your place to seek answers and solutions and a daily dose of inspiration.