Advanced Medical Certification makes getting recertified more convenient with our online recertification courses. No need to spend your valuable free time in a classroom to complete the required recertification. With the ease of online courses that are every bit as thorough, reliable, and accepted as...
“I needed BLS CPR Renewal at a time that was convenient for my busy schedule as a nurse. I very much enjoyed the class and look forward to returning again when my recertification is due. Thanks!” Tanya Registered Nurse “Everything in the BLS class was presented clearly. The hands on ...
Miami Dade County, Palm Beach County, Tallahassee Area, Martin County and Broward County Stress Free CPR Training Classes & AED, battery, pad and electrode sales with free shipping What are the steps of bls, what are ecards and how to use an aed and save a life from choking? Why should...
“I needed BLS CPR Renewal at a time that was convenient for my busy schedule as a nurse. I very much enjoyed the class and look forward to returning again when my recertification is due. Thanks!” Tanya Registered Nurse “Everything in the BLS class was presented clearly. The hands on ...