【1 35 】AH-..【1 35 】AH-1Z Viper历经半个世纪的改良版机型,火力和控制已经和阿帕奇不相上下了,等等,才不相上下,造价都比阿帕奇贵了500万,用的还是1967年的老机型翻新的,心疼马润。之前做过一台A
AH-64E Apache, AH-1Z Viper and Tiger attack helicopters to compete for Australian armed reconnaissance requirement Jane's Defence WeeklyJulian Kerr, Sydney
The two-way connection between AH-1Z Viper helicopter and ground control station using Link 16 was successfully demonstrated for the first time in June 2021. Developed by Northrop Grumman, the Link 16 package includes the Link 16 system, a digital moving map, a security architecture, and advance...
AH-64E Apache, AH-1Z Viper and Tiger attack helicopters to compete for Australian armed reconnaissance requirementJulian Kerr, SydneyJane's Defence Weekly
Marines Test JAGM From AH-1Z ViperSeapower StaffSea Power
Bell Completes First AH-1Z Viper for BahrainSeapower StaffSea Power