Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Let's Save Vic Morrow (2023) X 240 min | Animation Edit page Add to list Track Goddesses Urd and Skuld force Directors Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, and George Miller to Time Travel back to the day when Vic Morrow and Two Children were killed by a Helicopter...
Belldandy stumbles out into the night, shocked and confused. Taking advantage of the situation, Celestine lures Belldandy away and when Urd arrives, he uses the virus to turn Bell
Urd谢谢你,贝露丹蒂,我接受了,出来吧,World of Elgance! UrdNo.24我怎么样都无所谓,莹一...只要莹一得救 BelldandyNo.25如果认为做不到的话,无论多么简单的事也是做不到的 Belldandy第二季(观看用字幕:CQ&AF)No.1我 永远 希望像你这样的女神 留在我身边 KeiichiNo.2织毛衣并不只是去织这么简单,要把...
又名Ah! My Goddess The Movie ああ...编剧 Kosuke Fuj...横手·美智子 主演 布里奇特·霍夫曼井上喜久子池正美菊Tony OliverMary Elizabeth McGlynn 剧情 大学生森里萤一与女神贝露丹蒂已经相识三年了,因为一句“我希望你这样的女神能够在我的身边”而结下契约的两人在一起过着幸福快乐的生活。可是,森...
Ah! My Goddess added byjessowey Source: theotaku.com Minigoddess - Mini Urd on a Rainy 日 added byXyler852 Ah! My Goddess added byjessowey Source: maximumwallpapers.com Belldandy added byXyler852 The remnent added byXyler852 Floating Sayoko ...
My Goddess, is the more things change, the more they stay the same. Kevin didn't want to make another season of Keiichi trying to overcome his fear of intimacy with Belldandy. He preferred to get the issue over and done with in the first episode. Ah My Goddess fans also generally ...
24:46 24.I'm Always with You! 上传者:quanhehf 24:45 25. Ah! Urd's Little Romance (bonus episode) 上传者:quanhehf 24:46 26.Is My Heart Pounding Because I'm a Grown-Up 上传者:quanhehf 播单创建者 quanhehf 暂无简介 订阅 播放 16.8万 粉丝 194 视频 0关于...
The shadow beings plead with Urd and Skuld to continue, but since escape is impossible, Urd ponders the situation and has a request for Skuld. Thoughts/Review: So, the weapon Keiichi was to bring was actually another small piece of Hild. Surely, Hild had to know that this might be ...
Ah! My Goddess: Hunters & Hunters (OAD) SPOILER Summary/Synopsis: Keiichi is enjoying a soda and offers some to Belldandy when an angry Skuld bursts in to put a stop to it because of the effect it has on Belldandy. Urd teases him about wanting a drunken Belldandy, which has him thi...
看欧美网友如何评价 ..(真想看看英文版动画到底是什么感觉;)我想说,这部动画和漫画带给人的感觉是世界通用的、无差别的感动着你我的。它的美好之处在于它的纯洁无暇,这个世界太不完美,也许我们只能在心中保留这样一块纯美之地,这也