AH-1W的防护水平与F型相近:乘员座椅周围有钢板和复合材料防护,发动机侧面由12毫米钢板覆盖。这有助于抵挡轻武器和破片的袭击,但对来袭的炮弹,甚至是重机枪都不会产生多大影响。此外,座舱的玻璃并非是防弹的。 AH-1W的双发设计使其与前型相比提高了生存能力,即使一台发动机被毁,单靠另外一台也能勉强撤回基地。
美国AH-1W“超级眼镜蛇”武装直升机 AH-1W“超级眼镜蛇”(Super Cobra)是AH-1直升机的双引擎衍生型之一,它是非常有效的低空火力平台,能够在树梢高度为地面部队提供精准、猛烈、有效的火力支援。 机体结构 AH-1W直升机采用纵列式座舱布局,射手在前,驾驶员在后。前舱门在左侧,后舱门在右侧。发动机置于双肩,机身后...
The Bell AH-1 SuperCobra is a twin-engine attack helicopter based on the United States Army's single-engine AH-1 Cobra. The twin Cobra family, itself part of the larger Huey family, includes the AH-1J SeaCobra, the AH-1T Improved SeaCobra, and the AH-1W SuperCobra. The AH-1W, the...
The AH-1W Super Cobra served as the US Marine’s attack helicopter for more than 34 years. Credit: Bell Textron Inc. The AH-1W Super Cobra was the US Marines’ attack helicopter. Designed and developed by Bell Textron, which was previously known as Bell Helicopter, it entered service with...
http://zarco-macross.wikidot.com/wiki:ah-1w-super-cobra-helicopter https://www.wallpaperup.com/322794/AH-1W_SUPER_COBRA_attack_helicopter_military_weapon_aircraft_(5).html https://www.shutterstock.com/de/image-vector/bell-ah1-cobra-outline-vector-drawing-1441354292 http://aviadejavu.ru/Site...
AN-1W Super Cobra- AN-1T 直升机的开发,配备两台通用电气 T700-GE-401 燃气涡轮发动机,每台起飞功率为 1212 kW;1983年11月16日首飞。第一架量产直升机 AN-1W 于 1986 年 3 月交付。海军陆战队最初订购了 44 架直升机,随后又订购了 30 架直升机。此外,42架AN-1T直升机将升级为AN-1W。116 架 AN-...
AH-1 Super Cobra on USMC FactFiles AH-1 Super Cobra at VX-9 (China Lake), and AH-1 Super Cobra on Navy.mil AH-1 Cobra page and AH-1W Air Combat Maneuver Training on GlobalSecurity.org AH-1W/AH-1Z SuperCobra on Army-Technology.com AH-1W Super Cobra page on fas.org AH-1 Cobra...
AH-1 SUPER COBRAFeatures the AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter of the U.S. Marine Corps. Specifications of the helicopter; Fuselage length; Power plant.Sea Power
#制造业强国# AH-1W 超级眼镜蛇。 AH-1 眼镜蛇(公司名:Bell 209)是一台由贝尔直升机公司所制造的攻击直升机。AH-1的发动机、传动和旋翼系统与UH-1 易洛魁相同。因型号不同而有许多称号,如:休伊眼镜蛇(HueyCobra)、海眼镜蛇(SeaCobra)、超级眼镜蛇(SuperCobra)、W眼镜蛇、蝰蛇(Viper)、Z眼镜蛇或蛇(Snake...