Sarbanes-OxleyAct(SOX)hascontributedtolimitingtheoccurrenceofaccountingscandalsby reformsintermsofcorporategovernancetosomeextent(Addison-HewittAssociates,2006;Bergen, 2005).First,asfarascorporateresponsibilityisconcerned,itdetailsthecompositionoft auditcommitteesinthepubliclytradedcompanysuchasWMandthecertificationoftopexec...
ST AT3 act ivation pathway leadi ng to suppression of prol iferation and chemosensitization of human multiple mysloma cells [ J ] . Mol Can cer Res,2007 ,5 (9 ) :94 3 —955 . (编校 :张志明 ) 一 生育三烯酚对人 胃癌 SGC 一7901 细胞的抑制作用及机制 ...
EPA's bid to add a two-year grace period for the sale of some higher-polluting, wood-fired heating systems is illegal, New York Attorney General Letitia James(D) and a half-dozen counterparts around the country say in newly filed comments.Nothing in the Clean Air Act allows EPA to issue...
模型 冯/诺依曼思维模型 冯诺依曼思维模型并非由约翰·冯·诺依曼本人提出,而是后人根据他在多个领域的工作方式总结出来的一种解决问题的思维方法。约 人工智能 神经网络 计算机基石 管理 创业 原创 26天前 46 阅读 模型ACT心理灵活六边形 ACT心理灵活六边形是接纳承诺疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,简称ACT)...
atures. Alternatively, a solid-liquid interdiffusion bond that results from the incorporation of low-melting point metals/alloys, such as Sn-based or In-based thin films which act as a liquid transient layer16, is likely to improve the thermal stability and bonding strength of the joints ...
AGS_lecture_1 P13505:Auditing,GovernanceandScandals Lecture1:IntroductiontothemoduleThecontextandroleofauditing Aimsofthemodule ToexaminetheroleoftheauditasameansofaccountabilityinorganisationsandsocietyTodevelopknowledgeofthepurpose,structureandlimitationsoftheauditprocessTocriticallyevaluatetherole...
be configured as a stand-alone device or as a server-based device for presenting games as Class III games (as defined by the U.S. Indian Gaming Regulatory Act) or as a server-based device for presenting games as Class II games (as defined by the U.S. Indian Gaming Regulatory Act). ...