ENERGY, OIL & GAS Unparalleled Benefits for Energy & Oil Manufactured using the flat die calendered extrusion process, AGRU America’s HDPE and LLDPE geomembranes deliver numerous benefits including containment, stability, chemical resistance, and cost savings. All AGRU geomembranes, geocomposites, geote...
from Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG). In this case a liquid- liquid contactor is used to contact the lean amine with the liquid LPG.Refinery Needs •Achieve oil production quotas via reliable treatment of acid gases that otherwise bottleneck unit operations •Provide consistent fuel gas quality to ...
Employment of the technology declined in the mid-1900s when natural gas became readily available; however, in the past decade, the technology has experienced resurgence due to an abundance of gasification raw feedstock materials (e.g. coal, petroleum coke, residue oil, biomass, etc.) and ...
AGRU America creates geosynthetics, HDPE pipe and fittings, and concrete protection to help build infrastructure for a sustainable future.