Also, a survey was conducted in two regions of West Bengal, one drought-prone and the other in a mountainous district, to assess the contribution of agroforestry to human well-being and livelihood security. The average carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry systems is estimated to be 25t...
Researches have been and are underway to establish basis for decision making to act upon the challenges of climate change. In this regard, the existing knowledge on climate change adaptation and agroforestry are synthesized as a basis for decision making for future adaptation strategies...
Agroforestry and biochar to offset climate change: a review. Agronomy Sustainable Development. 33: 81-96.Stavi I, Lal R (2013) Agroforestry and biochar to offset climate change: a review. Agron Sustain Dev 33:81-96Stavi, I.; Lal, R. Agroforestry and biochar to offset climate change: A ...
Some 12m hectares of the UK is currently covered by agricultural grasslands which support a national lamb and beef industry worth approximately £3.7 billion. However, proposals have been made that this landscape should undergo radical changes to aid the country's climate change commitments. Acontro...
Some 12m hectares of the UK is currently covered by agricultural grasslands which support a national lamb and beef industry worth approximately £3.7 billion. However, proposals have been made that this landscape should undergo radical changes to aid the country's climate change commitments. Acontro...
The increased climate variability associated with changing climate patterns is not only aggravating the challenges that farmers are already facing, but also putting people in new situations never faced before. Agroforestry diversifies the environmental and economic functions of small scale farming systems, ...
Gains for the climate, too According to Project Drawdown, agroforestry practices are some of the best natural methods to pull carbon out of the air. The groupranked silvopasture, a method that incorporates trees and livestock together, as the ninth most impactful climate change sol...
The significance of sustainable energy development and the battle against climate change continues to grow each year. Countries exhibiting unsustainable fossil fuel consumption practices are actively pursuing strategies to decrease import dependency and
Agroforestry as a climate change mitigation practice in smallholder farming: evidence from KenyaFuelwoodCharcoalProfitabilityAcceptabilityGenderLabourThe promotion of agroforestry as a mitigation practice requires an understanding of the economic benefits and its acceptability to farmers. This work examines the...
Mountainous environments are particularly vulnerable to land degradation due to steep slopes, fragile soils, increasing population, severe shortages of pastureland, and climate change. This situation results in a loss of ecosystem services (ES), which unequally affects vulnerable groups who rely on acces...