Parkland systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa are commonly perceived as a resilient agroforestry practice well adapted to the semi-arid climatic conditions of the region. However, there exist several knowledge gaps regarding the interplay between the different components of this agro-sil...
Amaranthusspecies in South Africa. South Afr J Plant Soil. 2015;32:39–46. Article Gerrano AS, Van Rensburg WJ, Mavengahama S, Bairu M, Venter S, Adebola PO. Qualitative morphological diversity ofAmaranthusSpecies. J Tropic Agric. 2017;55:12–20. Gerrano AS, Jansen van Rensburg WS, ...
On very stable, deep, well-drained soils, a "Special Arable [SA]" category may be permissible on slopes steeper than the Class II limit. 4 For mechanized agriculture, a 15% slope is generally considered the divide between "arable" and "non-arable" classes, because tractors following the le...
“Agroserv Industrie SA was born from the desire to contribute to the cereal value chain in Burkina Faso since 2008. And since then, the company has never stopped working to meet customers’ needs more effectively by supplying them with semolina. and very good quality corn flour,...
31. Rahu MA, Shaikh MM, Karim S, Chandio AF, Dahri SA, Soomro SA, Ali SM. An IoT and machine learning solutions for monitoring agricultural water quality: a robust framework. Mehran Univ Res J Eng Technol. 2024;43(1):192–205. 32. Shwetabh K, Ambhaikar A. Smart health monitoring...
Variability and genetic structuring of Sitophilus zeamais according to agroecological zones in Senegal (West of Africa)doi:10.38150/sajeb.9(2).p56-63SENEGALCORN weevilNATIONAL Basketball AssociationCYTOCHROME bCROP lossesZONINGCURCULIONIDAEMaize plays a socio-economic role in Senegal. ...
Livestock and regional market in the Sahel and West Africa: Potentials and challenges. Paris: OECD; Rue André Pascal. 2008;1–170. 33. Dueppen SA. Cattle in the West African savanna: evidence from 1st millennium CE Kirikongo, Burkina ...
Therefore, it is imperative to treat wastewater before discharging it into the drainage basin, and if combined with water reuse, wastewater treatment may provide a solution to satisfy the increasing water demands of Sub-Saharan Africa. Show abstract Photocatalytic degradation of textile-dyeing ...
Using data on occurring species in home garden (HG) and functions assigned to each species by the gardeners, the study combined clustering and discriminant canonical analyses to explore the functional diversity of 360 home gardens in Benin, West Africa. Next, multinomial logistic models and chi-squ...
Learning agrobiodiversity: options for universities in Sub-Saharan Africa, 21–23 January 2009, Nairobi, Kenya, pp 28–33,