Performance of different oyster mushrooms in five agro-ecological zones of KeralaAkhil G. L.Thara, Susha S.Radhika N. S.Sajeesh P. K.Binitha N. K.Journal of Tropical Agriculture
Prevalence of coccidiosis in cattle in different agro ecological zones and seasons of Kerala Journal of AgrometeorologyRADHIKA, R.SABU, LUCYKRISHNAN, S.
dehydrogenase and phosphatase activity under coconut (Cocosnucifera L.,) and arecanut (Arecacatechu L.,) plantations within four soil depths (0–30, 30–60, 60–90, and 90–120 cm) and to determine the factors controlling the distribution across the different agro-climatic zones of Karnataka....
and root mean square error (RMSE). Furthermore, the research extends its application to delineating drought vulnerability zones by establishing demarcations for high and very high drought vulnerability areas for each model and temporal scale. Results indicate that the south-western part of the middle...
Table 1 Characteristics of the three agro-ecological zones of Benin Full size table Rainfall distribution in Benin shows two types of climates with a region of transition. In the south (humid and sub-humid zones), the climate is tropical humid with two rainfall maxima corresponding to two rainy...
The present exploratory study compares the bacterial communities associated with silverleaf whitefly infesting cassava, also known as cassava whitefly, collected from two different zones (zone P: plains; zone H: high ranges), from Kerala, India, using next-generation sequencing of 16S rDNA. The ...
The present exploratory study compares the bacterial communities associated with silverleaf whitefly infesting cassava, also known as cassava whitefly, collected from two different zones (zone P: plains; zone H: high ranges), from Kerala, India, using next-generation sequencing of 16S rDNA. The ...
For this, a total of 30 panchayats out of 92 were selected representing 6 agro ecological zones in the district. Surface soil samples (0-15 cm) @ one sample/ ha. were collected from dominant agro ecosystems along with the details regarding farmer's name, soil type, fertilizer details, ...
The effect of variance in the structure and function of Kerala homegardens in this study implies that the match between the variation in priorities of the home and the spatial arrangement of the homegarden was strong environmentally, socio-economically and biophysically.Thomas, Allan...
(2017 and 2019 kharif and 2018 rabi seasons) in the state of Chhattisgarh, India, comprising of three diverse agroecological zones, viz., northern hill zone, central plain zone and southern Bastar plateau zone, for understanding the distribution pattern of viruses and vector populations in ...