AN ASSESSMENT OF FOREST LOSS IN THE AGRO-ECOLOGICAL ZONES IN GHANAKoranteng, AddoFrimpong, Bernard FosuAdu-Poku, IsaacAsamoah, Jack NtiZawia-Niedwiecki, TomaszACTA Scientiarum Polonorum Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria
This article explores the pent-up question of equitable distribution of land in Ghana using the Forest-Savanna Agroecological Zone as a case study. It focuses on the dichotomy of policy versus indigenous spirituality in contemporary distribution of land in Ghana. After independence several attempts ...
Seasonal changes in pasture biomass and grazing behaviour of cattle in the Guinea Savanna agroecological zone of Ghanacarrying capacitygrazing behaviourrangelandsavannatropical livestock unitTwo separate experiments were conducted to assess the grain and straw yield (Exp. 1), chemical composition and in ...
The growing global demand for food poses a serious challenge to mankind: How can we provide an increasing world population with an adequate, reliable and n
(2011). Effect of Farmer Resource Endowment and Management Strategies on Spatial Variability of Soil Fertility in Contrasting Agro-ecological Zones in Zimbabwe. In: Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Okeyo, J., Maina, F., Kihara, J. (eds) Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa. ...
In sum, 526 local agro-pastoralists in 16 villages (seven in northern Ghana and nine in southern-central Burkina Faso) were covered, out of which at least 30 local agro- pastoralists were interviewed per village. Ethnoecological interviews Prior to the commencement of the face-to-face ...
Crop Farmers' Willingness to Pay for Agricultural Extension Services in Bangladesh: Cases of Selected Villages in Two Important Agro-ecological Zones 机译:孟加拉国农户支付农业推广服务的意愿:两个重要农业生态区中某些村庄的案例 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 ...
JassogneingentaconnectHuman Ecology New York Then DordrechtGraefe S, Meyer-Sand LF, Chauvette K, Abdulai I, Jassogne L, Vaast P, et al. Evaluating Farmers' Knowledge of Shade Trees in Different Cocoa Agro-Ecological Zones in Ghana. Hum Ecol. Human Ecology; 2017; 45: 321-332. https://...
Graefe S, Meyer-Sand LF, Chauvette K, Abdulai I, Jassogne L, Vaast P, et al. Evaluating Farmers' Knowledge of Shade Trees in Different Cocoa Agro-Ecological Zones in Ghana. Hum Ecol. Human Ecology; 2017; 45: 321-332.
This paper evaluates the performance of maize farmers in three agroecological zones in Ghana. A metafrontier model is used to estimate the average technical efficiencies and maize productivty gaps across the agroecological zones. The results shows that land, labour and fertilizer significantly ...