the country is also witnessing the rise in the number of agritech startups that are deploying their innovative offerings to help the farmers in the best possible way. Agritech firms, via their developments, are aiding the underlined
BAEL: CAN PIVOTING TO BLOCKCHAIN HELP THE EARLY STAGE AGRITECH STARTUP IN INDIA?INDIAAGRICULTURAL technologyBLOCKCHAINSDECISION makingCRYPTOCURRENCIESNEW business enterprisesBUSINESS modelsMithil Gandhi, co-founder of the AgriTech platform Bael, was in a dilemma. Gandhi was keen on using blockchain as ...
Samhitha Crop Care Clinics is pioneering the precision farming advisory in India, aiming to empower farmers to adopt sustainable practices to improve crop production and farmer’s profitability. Incepted in 2021, the start-up envisions to help farmers grow more and grow healthy produce through sust...
Agritech startups are struggling to take root in markets dominated by agriculture like India and Indonesia. In the first eight months of 2024, several agritech companies in both countries announced job cuts. Indonesian aquatech unicorneFishery, which automates fish and shrimp farms,announced layoffsin...
Startup India Recognition (2021) Wingrow Agritech is recognized as a startup by the Department for promotion of industry and Internal Trade. +1 Global Fund, USA Award (2021) The +1 Global Fund from The Roddenberry Foundation USA, accelerates social change by strengthening existing networks of ...
Freshokartz will be using these funds for expansion within Rajasthan and other nearby states like Haryana, MP, UP, and other northern states of India. The Funds will be used in capacity building, tech development, and geographic expansion. ...
Agritech startups aim to modernize and improve the traditional agricultural sector in India. Most farmers in India have to deal with issues such as inadequate infrastructure, low productivity, and limited access to technology and financing. Existing agritech startups are using innovative technol...
By October 2024, Asia-Pacific–based agrifoodtech startups collectively raised $4.2 billion, registering a 38% jump over the prior year’s same period. Meanwhile, many low- and middle-income regions saw a drop in capital inflows: total a...
Team StartupcityChennai based AgriTech supply chain startup WayCool Foods has raised $7.8 million in debt from Samunnati, RBL Bank, and InnoVen Capital in a new financing round. The company had earlier raised $5.5 million in debt financing from United States Interna...
work style reform and quality of life. The startup entrants receive a mentoring session on the first day of the three-day event to brush up their business plans in preparation for presentation of these at the semi-final session, during which six startup entrants were selected to proceed to ...