up to half of allcornand soybean farmers in the US make use of precision equipment, though farmers in the global south are also being encouraged to adopt. The non-profit organization,IDEO.orghas developed low cost sensors for rudimentary farm equipment used by small-holder farmers in Kenya,...
Kenya has two wet seasons and two dry seasons. Rainfall is usually heavy from April to May and from November to December, while some areas are more cloudy without much rain between July and August and from January to March. Temperatures are generally warmer in the north and cooler in the ...
History tells us that CPRs can be expected to decline in importance as economies develop (North & Thomas, 1973).Ensminger's (1992)study of the privatization of common grazing lands among the Orma in north-eastern Kenya established that the transformation took place there with the consent of th...
In Limuru, a picturesque town nestled along the Great Rift Valley, you’ll support the restoration of ancient forests, helping to maintain Kenya’s natural beauty. Your tasks will include removing invasive species, collecting and propagating native seeds, and preserving forest trails. Work alongs...
Kenya 5.3 0.8 56.9 0.1 40.5 0.1 16.7 8.8 0.3 6.0 Jordan 0.03 Sudan 20.7 0.1 237.6 0.01 43.6 2.8 0.7 99.5 0.02 81.1 Egypt 0.02 Ethiopia 13.6 0.1 100.0 0.02 82.9 1.8 1.0 176.0 0.01 6.4 Libya 0.02 Liberia 0.4 4.3 9.6 0.2 4.0 3.4 0.3 215.0 0.005 27.4 Saudi Arabia 0.01 Sudan 20.7 0.0 ...
but could be slow coming back with the money. Cooperatives don’t always last very long, especially large umbrella organizations that bring together dozens of cooperatives. But here in Bolivia, the cacao farmers sell their produce at a fair price, create jobs for their co-op members, grow rai...
382 sustainable agriculture jobs 480 $1.97 Find related keywords 383 kenya agriculture 480 $1.89 Find related keywords 384 invest in agriculture 480 $1.83 Find related keywords 385 agricultural insurance companies 480 $1.82 Find related keywords 386 nepal agriculture 480 $1.74 Find related keywords 387...
Pyrethrum sub-sector revival has already commenced with Treasury allocation of some Sh500 million to the sub-sector. The first step is to revive crop production and processing capacity of Pyrethrum Processing Company of Kenya (PPCK) at Nakuru and this has already starte...
Kenya is to conduct a census this year, but the process is politically contentious and corruption makes it hard to carry off undertakings of this nature (another area where the United States seems to be moving toward convergence with Kenya recently). And there is always a new gambit, like “...
Chapter 7 Fourth Revision — 1 Dec 2001 Page 1 Benefits of Urban Agriculture Table 7.1 Impact of urban agriculture on health, nutrition, and well-being Country Impact Africa Kenya Twenty-five percent of the country's urban population depends on self- produced food for nutritional survival. ...