Over exploitation of natural resources which mainly results into deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, depletion of macronutrients and loss of wildlife. We also touched upon the effects of intensive agriculture on physical and biological environments. Intensive agriculture manifests itself in the ...
Agriculture and the Environment in Ireland: Directions for the Future In this paper we review the principal changes in Irish agricultural practices since accession to the European Economic Community in 1973 and their impact on the environment. The principal effects of a more specialised and intensive...
The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity in the United States This report provides an assessment of the effects of climate change on U.S. agriculture, land resources, water resources, and biodiversity. It is one of a ... P Backlund,D Sc...
However, this practice has reduced livestock production and consequently decreased herders’ income in the region. In this study, light grazing was therefore re-introduced to investigate effects of converting cropland to grassland on soil erosion and CO2 emission under light grazing practice. The light...
中国科学院武汉植物园研究人员在河南丹江湿地国家级自然保护区内,对须根系和直根系植物的根际和非根际土壤进行采样分析,研究不同粒径团聚体中的稳定性分布、SOC含量和δ13C动态去向。相关成果发表于Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment(IF=...
also been documented that digitalization contributes to mitigating the negative impacts of agriculture on the environment and climate and promoting environmental sustainability (Balafoutis et al.2020; Lajoie-O’Malley et al.2020). However, compared with that in developed countries, the concept of ...
Careless application of a new technology tended to have harmful effects on the environment. Political conditions in different periods of China's economic development have also caused changes in the dike-pond system which has to maintain high productivity and profitability. Recent advances in dike-pond...
华中农业大学资源与环境学院研究生郑金阳在史志华、王玲老师的指导下,在南方红壤柑橘园生草覆盖和裸地中进行模拟降雨实验,利用结构方程模型来研究生草覆盖、土壤团聚体性质、径流、泥沙对有机碳流失的影响。相关成果发表于Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment(IF=4.241)。阅读论文全文请点击文末阅读原文。Highlights ...
内容提示: Quantifying the effect of buffer zones, crop areas and spatial aggregation onthe externalities of genetically modified crops at landscape levelM. Graziano Ceddiaa, *, Mark Bartlett b , Charles Perrings ca Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, University of Reading, Whiteknights, ...
according to which the environmentally literate individual is “someone who, both individually and together with others, makes informed decisions concerning the environment; is willing to act on these decisions to improve the well-being of other individuals, societies, and the global environment; and ...