Agriculture Minister Dr. Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, MP said that our young generation will lead this concept of smart agriculture. Agriculture’s contribution to GDP is 12% and the sector creates almost 38% employment in the country. For food security we need more productivity. Smart agriculture is...
In all countries, the contribution of agriculture to GDP is substantial. Furthermore, approximately half of the people in the region work as farmers as well as labour. Due to its high cost, agricultural equipment might be leased sometimes. Examples of equipment that can be rented include tractor...
Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic Agriculture GDP contribution of agriculture, forestry and fishing in Vietnam 2011-2023 Farming Number of farms in Vietnam 2011-2023 Crop Production Production volume of spring rice paddy in Vietnam from 2012 to 2023...
We use sectoral contribution to GDP gain after the shock to assess the economic integration effects and evolving role of agriculture in such integration. The top block of second panel in Table 1 displays the model results. In 1987, 65.6% of GDP gain after the shock comes directly from increas...
The Nigerian agricultural sector, despite its significant potential, faces numerous challenges that impede its contribution to sustainable development. The existing literature on agricultural entrepreneurship highlights the transformative role of liberalization and globalization in driving entrepreneurship within the...
He says it supplies food to the tourism industry, inputs for food processing and makes a significant contribution to exports. The Permanent Secretary says indirectly, as much as 84 percent of the rural population are involved in agriculture and/or fisheries, even ...
The sector has traditionally faced challenges of poor market access, lack of collateral and inability to pay back due to lower yields that have continually pushed some farmers out of the sector and led to a consecutive contraction of the sector in its contribution to economic growth. ...
farmers expand their offering to potential new markets, and researchers predict that new crops could become a market reality in Europe by 2023. Developing Aquaculture Cyprus has a longstanding fisheries tradition and history despite its limited contribution to GDP. However, aquaculture is an important ...
The agriculture industry in New Zealand contributes significantly to the country's tradeable economy, with a gross domestic product contribution in the billions of New Zealand dollars. The farming sector produces many horticultural, dairy, and meat products consumed locally and exported overseas. The ...
Tanzania's agriculture sector accounts for nearly one-third of the country's GDP and employs 75% of the workforce-has the potential to raise incomes and improve livelihoods. The Tanzania agriculture market is segmented by crop type (food crops/cereals, fruits, and vegetables). The repo...