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rather, the csa approach aims to decrease trade-offs and enhance synergies by incorporating these goals into decisions at all sizes, from local to global, and overlong and short time horizons, in order to arrive at locally acceptable solutions. climate-smart agriculture is neither a new system ...
For a holistic analysis, we combined political economy framework and structural class analysis to unveil the contradictory role of non-market transfers of informal credit, and gifts extended by capitalist farmers in at once enhancing the farm labourers’ short-term food security while undermining ...
Based on the leakage estimate of 10% of the methane production, and considering that methane production has doubled, it is reasonable to expect that the net methane emission to the atmosphere from implementing anaerobic digestion is higher than the baseline emissions from manure storage alone. This...
Notes References Baheti H, Thakare A, Bhople Y, Darekar S, and Dodmani O. Tomato plant leaf disease detection using inception v3. Intell Syst Appl. 2023;959:49–60. ...
the government introduced land reforms that gave tenants the right to purchase the land they had worked. Mukhopadhyay does not question the underlying motivation behind land reforms, but notes one unfortunate consequence, which is the breakdown of cooperation among households in maintaining the embankment...
While these short-term solutions are clear, consensus on long-term strategies to strength global food systems is lacking17. Some researchers advocate for a transition to more plant-based diets, positing that this shift could help alleviate the current food crisis created by the ongoing war in ...
Notes ADS Article ArticleGoogle Scholar Article Hossain MS, Mou RM, Hasan MM, Chakraborty S, and Razzak MA. Recognition and detection of tea leaf's diseases using support vector machine. Proceedings of 14th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and Its Applications (CSPA), Penang, Malaysia...
高一英语提高作业(Unit 19 Modern agriculture) Goals:1.Giving advice and making decisions2.The use of it for emphasis 一、Write the key words or phrases from memory(默写重点单词与词组)10 分 1.农产品___ 2.作用,影响___ 3.领导者___ 4.甘蔗___ 5.烟草___ 6.地方的___ 7.技术,...
高一英语提高作业〔Unit 19 Modern agriculture〕 Goals:1.Giving advice and making decisions2.The use of it for emphasis 一、Write the key words or phrases from memory(默写重点单词与词组)10 分 1.农产品___ 2.作用,影响___ 3.领导者___ 4.甘蔗___ 5.烟草___ 6.地方的___ 7.技术,技巧...