Additionally, several occupations that had previously been made eligible for general employment permits have had their quotas extended: 1,000 permits for meat processing operatives; 350 for butcher/deboners; 350 for dairy farm assistants; and 1,000 for horticultural workers to support the sector unti...
Case Study: AgriDigital: Blockchain Technology in the Trade and Finance of Agriculture Supply Chains AgriDigital is an Australian-based company, which provides a platform and community approach to digitizing agriculture. Since being founded in 2015, AgriDigital has been using blockchain technology as...
Well-being is a multi-dimensional concept. It has individual, interpersonal, and existential dimensions (Mathews & Izquierdo2009). Well-being includes people’s ability to fulfill basic needs, such as the need for food and housing (Tay and Diener2011; OECD2015; Veenhoven2008) or financial secur...
Millet might create a bridge in the traditional distinc- tion of societies where either herding or crop farming is dominant, with the for- mer being seen as composed by mobile pastoralists and the latter by settled agri- culturalists. In agreement with recent zooarchaeological and isotopic ...
(MIDH) - IndiaNational Agroforestry and Bamboo Mission (NABM) - IndiaNational Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM) - IndiaNational e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGPA) - IndiaNational Food Security Mission (NFSM) - IndiaNational Horticulture Mission (NHM) - IndiaNational Initiative on ...
Climate change is expected to profoundly affect key food production sectors, including fisheries and agriculture. However, the potential impacts of climate change on these sectors are rarely considered jointly, especially below national scales, which can
摘要: Agricultural finance; Commodity exchanges; Credit; Debt; Financialization; Lending; Speculation The agricultural and financial sectors have long intersected with one another in various interrelated...DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0929-4_166
Case Study: AgriDigital: Blockchain Technology in the Trade and Finance of Agriculture Supply Chains AgriDigital is an Australian-based company, which provides a platform and community approach to digitizing agriculture. Since being founded in 2015, AgriDigital has been using blockchain technology as...
“non-standard” occupations, do not have equal access to maternity/parental leave and maternity/parental benefits. Despite this assumption, the comparison of access to these rights and benefits for occupational groups with different social status within and between nation states remains a “blank ...
Alternative food systems(AFS) are the many efforts to build systems that limit, halt, or even reverse the negative impacts of industrial agrifood systems. In contrast to “local,”“organic,” or other labels,AFSis a concept that de-emphasizes requirements for a particular farm size, local or...