analysis was implemented through the amount of published papers,the distribution of partner countries or institutions,the cited frequency,the distribution of cited countries or institutions,and the subject structure of papers that published by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS) by using ...
Economic analysis of the maintenance of Cenchrus purpureus germplasm bank of the Institute of Animal Science Amanda Abreu Cruz, A.R Hernández Montesinos, Nadia Báez Quiñones, Daymara Rodríguez Alfonso, Dayleni Fortes González, R.S. Herrera ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition - Collection Call for Papers: Biochar Applications in Agricultural Soils Biochar is a stable form of carbon that can persist in the soil for long periods and can be produced from a variety of biomass sources. Its porous structure provides a large ...
: Edited by D. Gale Johnson. (Seven main and seven supporting papers delivered at a Conference sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, held at Washington, DC, USA, in October, 1980). No price given Author links open overlay panelAlanHarrisonShow more Share ...
“Over most of the past century, profits from farming have gone primarily to those who found ways to reduce costs first and expand production the fastest. However, each new round of cost cutting technology has resulted in increased production and lower prices, erasing initial profitability. Late ...
In graphite, the carbon atom arranged in the honeycomb lattice has an average covalent bond length of 0.14 nm [10]. Graphite is the most stable form of carbon, which naturally exists under standard conditions [6]. Moreover, graphite is also made up of numerous graphene layers. The ...
Submission received: 14 August 2022 / Revised: 8 September 2022 / Accepted: 10 September 2022 / Published: 29 April 2023 (This article belongs to the Special Issue Selected Papers from 1st International Online Conference on Agriculture - Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology (IOCAg2022))...
Agricultural and Food ScienceSubmissions, OnlineGuidelines, Author
Title proper : International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and TechnologyIssn : 2348-1358Subject : Agricultural SciencePublisher : Elixir Publishers Dates of publication : 2013Frequency : QuarterlyLanguage : EnglishCountry : IndiaMedium : OnlineIndexed by : CROSSREFIndexed by : ROADIndexed...
(Zhang,Jiaetal.,2017).Bystatisticalanalysisonthepastthree-year publications, the basic studies on COS or their industrial applications were mainly focused on chemistry, polymer science, pharmacology pharmacy and other related life science fields (Fig. 1B). This review aims to summarize the method...