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Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies The Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies publishes quality research on issues relevant to... This journal is aligned with our responsible management goal We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organ...
In addition, inaccurate information can in the long term undermine public trust in science [2], which is already declining in some regions and among some political orientations [7,8]. Public trust in science is a complex issue. It is highly dependent on numerous variables, such as the topic...
I. Taro Cultivation in Asia and in the Pacific (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 1999). Vitousek, P. M. et al. Soils, agriculture, and society in precontact Hawai’i. Science 304, 1665–1669 (2004). Article CAS...
Especially when the agricultural modelling field may not have the space to nurture many careers: “Agricultural systems modellers: very narrow resource pool, very different funding, too few can form a career at the coal face - many just pass through”. 2) Issues relating to computability, and...
Home > Section > Chapter Lockeretz, W. Food Policy 9(2): 157-167 1984 ISSN/ISBN:0306-9192 10.1016/0306-9192(84)90049-6 001262207 Full-Text Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted Abstract
The information in this chapter would not be available were it not for the efforts of a number of key colleagues, who have dedicated many years of their careers to the saiga antelope and contributed to this chapter: Yuri Grachev, who knows more of the ecology and natural history of the spe...
At the global scale, human activities are threatening the extinction of many species. It remains debated, however, whether there has been corresponding loss of biodiversity at the smaller spatial scales at which species loss often erodes ecosystem functi
Yearly NH3 maps (in molecules per square centimetre) over several hotspots: (from top to bottom) Marvdasht (Iran), Ferghana (Uzbekistan), Torreón (Mexico), Secunda (South Africa), Nicaro (Cuba; blue in Fig. 4), Bacau (Romania; orange in Fig. 4), Alto Laran district (Peru; green in...
We’re ready, the system’s not–youth perspectives on agricultural careers in South Africa. Agrekon 2019, 58, 154–179. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Mibey, M.C. Factors Influencing Youth Involvement in Agribusiness Projects in Bomet Central Sub-County, Kenya. Ph.D. Thesis, University of ...