Agricultural runoffs a nonpoint or diffuse source of water pollution, is receiving increased attention as point sources are being brought under control. Sediment, nutrients, and pesticides are among pollutants of major concern. Livestock operations and croplands are considered principal contributors. ...
2018) on water quality, finding direct relationships between these agricultural activities and loss of soil and nutrient runoff. On the other hand, in a páramo from Venezuela with crops and fallow land, it was established that soil loss could be significantly reduced if conservation agriculture ...
Share on Facebook agricultural run-off n (Agriculture) the portion of rainfall that runs over agricultural land and then into streams as surface water rather than being absorbed into ground water or evaporating Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins...
When this runoff reaches surface water, it can cause algal blooms leading to eutrophication and the death of aquatic species, and the other chemicals can also have devastating ecological and human health effects. CAFO waste management in most countries follows “best management practices” which ...
The importance of flow regimes in assessing the impact of agricultural runoff on reservoir water quality and zooplankton abundance. Lake and Reservoir Management 6: 71–80.The importance of flow regimes in assessing the impact of agricultural runoff on reservoir water quality and zooplankton abundance ...
ahypothesis that agricultural runoff and sewage are a key determinant of variability in nutrients concentrations and that agricultural runoff could affect river water conditions in winter 农业决赛和污水是可变性一个关键决定因素在营养素含量,并且农业决赛在冬天可能影响河水条件的假说 [translate] ...
Long-term runoff simulation analysis showed that simulated runoff came to be negative when a farming season began. This could be significantly improved using water uses adjusted to consider the effects of small-scale hydraulic structures. Also, correlation analysis quantitatively confirmed that simulated ...
Data on various raw-water sources in Iowa are analyzed in relation to the finished waters produced from them; periods of high agricultural runoff are distinctly associated with peaks in halomethanes. Turbidity removal prior to chlorination is shown to be critical to minimize chloroform production ...
Improvement of Process Description in Conceptual Runoff Models in Ungauged Basins: A Case Study of Landuse Effects on Water Quantity We present new data for 3 previously ungauged basins in the Oak Creek watershed in Western Oregon. The basins represent sub-watersheds of the 33 km2 ... C Poor...
Agricultural land use has important effects on states of the soil surface and on spatial organisation of the catchment, which determines runoff generation and routing. It interacts with geomorphic and climatic conditions to influence the main physical processes involved in soil erosion. Further, it ind...