Assessment of agricultural drought in rainfed cereal production areas of northern China Agricultural drought assessment is an important tool for water management in water-scarce regions such as Inner Mongolia and northeastern China. Convention... Rui Li,Atsushi Tsunekawa,Mitsuru Tsubo - 《Theoretical & ...
The prickly-pears (Opuntiaspp., Cactaceae): A source of human and animal food in semiarid regions The Cactaceae contain many economically promising species primarily in the genus Opuntia. This genus appears to have its center of genetic diveristy in Mexico where it is widely used as fodder, ...
2011). The semantic discrepancies between maps for different regions or points in time hence limit their comparability. Historical aerial imagery and satellite imagery provide an additional important source of information regarding past landscape change, although mostly restricted to the second half of ...
The data collated on C-based input into the soil for predominant crops for both regions included the amounts of fertilizers (N, P, K), herbicides and pesticides used for each crop annually, tillage methods, cropland area, total production of each crop, area under different farming systems, ...
This study revealed that the TVDI in the karst basin in southern China generally decreased from 2001 to 2020, except for an increasing trend in the western region, and a weakening trend in other regions, which is consistent with the findings of Chen et al.53,54. He44 used the SPI to an...
McConnell LL, Rice CP, Hapeman CJ, Drakeford L, Harman-Fetcho JA, Bialek K, et al. Agricultural pesticides and selected degradation products in five tidal regions and the main stem of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Environ Toxicol Chem 2007;26:2567-78....
First, we investigated the microbial quality of private well drinking water system located in six Townships in northeastern Ohio, regions with high concentration of dairy farms. Water samples were collected in 180 households (summer, 2009) and processed to detect fecal indicative organisms, O157 and...
(2018) found that high Pb concentrations across industrial and agricultural regions in South China, such as in Guangdong and Guangxi Province. South China has become one of the most rapidly developing regions in China over the past few decades with industrial and agricultural activities, municipal ...
The question of brownfields resulting from the transformation of the agricultural sector during the transition period of the Czech Republic is presented in this paper. Agricultural brownfields are the most frequently occurring brownfields in the Czech Republic (especially in some regions), but their ...
(PBS2020) and is not only a national food bowl but is also an important exporter of agricultural produce (Noorka and Shahid2013). For instance, Punjab is a major contributor to global rice exports and is one of the few cotton-producing regions of the world (Rehman et al.2015; Yuansheng...