Africa remains a net importer of food despite having 60 percent of the world's uncultivated arable land, with the import bill worth about 35 billion U.S. dollars a year. Experts believe most of the imported food could be produced locally, creating much-needed jobs and incomes for youth and...
I’m going to report on a case study of a programme which has been set up to help rural populations in Mozambique, a largely agricultural country in South-East Africa. The programme worked with three communities in Chicualacuala district, near the Limpopo River. This is a dry and arid reg...
- Enhancing food security. China produces about one-fifth of the world's food on 9 percent of its arable land. Africa, with 65 percent of the world's uncultivated land, imports nearly 30 percent of its food from other continents. China's practices in this area have proven to be valuable...
SOUTH AfricaAGRICULTURAL wagesPRICE inflationREAL wagesFOOD pricesEMPLOYMENTWAGESSOCIAL unrestAgricultural industry plays a significant role in the South African economy, specifically in creating jobs. However, this sector is facing significant challenges owing to economic and social unres...
In a nutshell, we expect the agricultural sector to show some level of resilience from a jobs perspective this year as the expected large output will mean labour will be required in the fields. Those that typically participate in the sector in the form of seasonal labour will, however, be ...
Among the African students, 29 have received diplomas from China Agricultural University for their outstanding grades. After graduation and returning to their home country, they got good jobs, with some working at agricultural departments or in education, Jiao said....
In addition to cocoa and rice, Cote d 'Ivoire is the largest producer of natural rubber in Africa. However, due to a lack of processing plants in the rubber industry, exports are only low-value-added raw materials, which resulted in meager incomes for farmers. ...
Kitovu dedicates its efforts to building a decent working environment. Kitovu helps farmers to gain dignity by creating jobs for themselves and overcoming the exploitation from wholesalers, which leads farmers to have satisfying income. In Kitovu's solution, each farmers' effort can exactly transfer...
He believed it is essential to move toward large-scale agriculture, supported by advanced technologies and modern equipment supplied as part of the partnership with China. "We expect this cooperation to provide material support that will enable us to develop added value and create jobs," he said...
"This could alleviate poverty because it creates jobs, because it is not only in the agriculture activity but also others... So, there are a lot of opportunities," she added. Commending China's successful poverty reduction endeavors, the commissioner said Africa should replicate China's successes...