2021 took a dramatic turn when prices of some synthetic fertilizers rose to their highest level since the food price crisis of 2008, hurting farmers and causing food prices to skyrocket again. Hurricane Ida hit the hub of US fertilizer production in late August, driving prices up further. High...
Walnes Seeds strives to offer the level of service our customers have come to expect from our seed supply operation throughout our grain and fertiliser trading. Through a number of well established trading relationships we are able to offer contracts for the purchase of all crop types. Again usi...
A solution for the sunset industry: Adoption of green fertiliser technology amongst Malaysian paddy farmers. Land Use Pol. 2018, 79, 575–584. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ge, P.F.; Wang, S.J.; Huang, X.L. Measurement for China’s agricultural green TFP. China Popul. Resour. Environ....
From an agricultural point of view, agricultural biogas plants are particularly important because they enable the management of all waste biomass and its conversion into useful energy and agricultural fertiliser. This paper presents methods for assessing the economic effectiveness of an investment in an ...
"Suppliers hope warmer weather conditions this week could trigger some interest," said Calum Findlay, UKfertilisertrader at UK merchant Gleadell. Yara''s comments, to an investor conference organised by Credit Suisse, follow a downgrade by Mosaic to its estimate for 2012 world potash demand, sayin...
It takes three years of strict non-use of any chemical fertiliser and pesticide to obtain certification. Smaller farms would find this process very expensive. In Singapore, and in many other countries such as India, Japan and China too, many farms are tiny, ranging from 2 to 10 hectares. ...
Available online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228367700_Utilisation_of_digestate_from_biogas_plants_as_biofertiliser (accessed on 17 September 2020). Szymańska, M.; Szara, E.; Sosulski, T.; Stępień, W.; Pilarski, K.; Pilarska, A. Chemical properties and fertilizer value ...
Effect of irrigation, fertiliser type and variety choice on grain yield and nutritional quality parameters in spelt wheat (Triticum spelta) grown under semi-arid conditions. Food Chem. 2021, 358, 129826. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Cooper, J.; Sanderson, R.; Cakmak, I.; Ozturk, L.; ...
(6 months). In all soils, we estimated the C pools associated with the live biomass (including the C extracted by harvesting in the cropped soils in the 10 years since afforestation), dead biomass, amount of fertiliser added (quantifying all inputs of C added as fertiliser in the cropped ...
The addition of P fertiliser to calcareous soils with the highest CaCO3 values can fix P fertiliser and create very hard layers that are impervious to water and crop roots [71]. The research area has a comparatively low SOM content in line with [42], ranging from 0.7 to 19.5 g kg−1...