This paper examines introducing Economic Value Added (EVA) as a performance measure for agribusinesses and co-ops in South Africa. EVA is an effective measure of the quality of managerial decisions as well as a reliable indicator of an enterprise's value growth in future. The question posed ...
Agricultural co-ops exempt from capital gains taxDANIEL KENNEMER
Section > Chapter Yoshida, M. Developing Economies 11(3): 244-271 1973 ISSN/ISBN:0012-1533 10.1111/j.1746-1049.1973.tb00310.x 000015506 Download citation: Text | BibTeX | RIS Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 Payments are secure & encrypted ...
Modern consumer cooperatives, usually called co-ops in theUnited States, are thought to have begun in Great Britain in 1844, with theRochdale Equitable Pioneers SocietyThe society created a set of organizational and working rules that have been widely adopted. They included open membership, democrati...
The accumulation of heavy metals in internal human tissues can affect the central nervous system, and act as a pseudo-co-factor or promotor of some health problems, such as seizures (epilepsy), headache, and coma. Heavy metal contamination is considered as a health threat to both adults and ...
This study also identified that the agro-biodiversity within the annual crop production and plantation coffee systems in the study area is being lost, and observed, in some areas, at an accelerating rate. This result is in line with the finding reported by OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-...
It is one of the few Hyaloscypha species that fruits in culture. A few other discomycetes (e.g., Bisporella citrina) have been reported on sporocarps of polypores. However, the apothecia usually also are found on the wood nearby. Coelomycetes are not frequent on sporocarps of a...
A common genus in South Africa is Macropetasma, the juveniles of which exploit the surf zone as a nursery area. Also common in some parts of the world, particularly in sheltered bays, is the snapper shrimp Crangon (Figure 5.17). Lissocrangon occurs buried in the sand of the lower shore...
co-operatives, co-ops with Women's Associations, over 125 Orphanages and over 1,000 schools growing vegetables. Umgibe has over 12,800 farmers growing vegetables, raising goats and chickens. These farms also process and sell to farmers markets and the hospitality industry. ...
This paper examines introducing Economic Value Added (EVA) as a performance measure for agribusinesses and co-ops in South Africa. EVA is an effective measure of the quality of managerial decisions as well as a reliable indicator of an enterprise's value growth in future.Mariette Geyser...