CHEMISTRY, APPLIEDQ2 TOXICOLOGYQ3 IMMUNOLOGYQ4 CiteScore数值 CiteScoreSJRSNIP学科类别分区排名百分位 5.500.4430.717大类:Agricultural and Biological Sciences小类:Agronomy and Crop ScienceQ155 / 370 85% 大类:Agricultural and Biological Sciences小类:Food ScienceQ171 / 338 ...
我想投Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry,可是上网站上下载了他的投稿格式要求,对于里面的关于...
福州辑思编译整理了最新的JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 期刊投稿经验, 期刊官方投稿网址,审稿周期/时间,研究方向,SCI期刊分区。
The university is comprised of six faculties: agriculture, agricultural economics and rural sociology, agricultural engineering and technology, animal husbandry, fisheries, and veterinary science. Within these faculties are 43 departments offering both undergraduate and graduate courses. The university has gai...
Zhao C Q, Anis N A, Rogers K R, et al.Fiber optic immunosensor for polychlorinated biphenyls[J].Journal of Agricultural&Food Chemistry, 1995, 43 (8) :2308-2315. [40] Cesarino I, Moraes F C, Lanza M R V, et al.Electrochemical detection of carbamate pesticides in fruit and vegetables...
GreenLight employs a process called cell-free biology, which is more akin to chemistry than conventional biotechnology. Eliminating the need to coddle fussy micro-organisms, says Mr Zarur, simplifies and cheapens things dramatically. But the more traditional approach taken by RNAissance and AgroSpheres...
Dr. Huan Zhang, postdoc, obtained PhD in Agriculture, China Agricultural University in 2018. The research interests include: biogas fermentation raw material storage and biological pretreatment, lactic acid bacteria metabolism mechanism and micro-ecological preparations, efficient biogas fermentation and conv...
GreenLight employs a process called cell-free biology, which is more akin to chemistry than conventional biotechnology. Eliminating the need to coddle fussy micro-organisms, says Mr Zarur, simplifies and cheapens things dramatically. But the more traditional approach taken by RNAissance and AgroSpheres...