ThailandandIndonesiawere selected as host countries of the upcoming roadshows as they are among the top three Southeast Asian countries with the highest contribution to GDP and jobs by their agri-food sectors.2Indonesia'sagri-food sector holds an unparalleled position in the economy and plays a p...
They also support the national agrarian economy, with annual contribution to the tune of f 14,200 crores to the national GDP and foreign exchange earnings of about f 2,440 crore, besides supporting subsidiary industrial development. Owing to traditional methods of processing and product utilization,...
India is blessed with 60% cultivable land and farming community strives on agriculture as major source of income and in most cases, the only source of income. There is a huge 17% contribution from agriculture sector towards the GDP of our country....
The annual investment (gross fixed capital formation) in the Western Cape agricultural sector for the period 2015 to 2019 showed a positive average contribution of 28,8%. The Cape Winelands district accounts for 3,2% of the sector’s employment, followed by the West Coast district at 2,7% ...
We interpret the network configurations and their implications for sustainability with an intentional and normative directionality. By sustainability we refer to the contribution of agri-food systems to the stability and resilience of the earth system and human wellbeing, including justice considerations fo...
Agriculture remains today the expected engine of growth for the “agriculture-based countries”, those countries with a high contribution of agriculture to GDP growth and a high share of their poor in the rural sector (World Bank2007). Agri-food systems, defined as a socio-technical system enco...
The agrarian crisis and distress of farmers is a leading policy issue in India, given that agriculture sector provides livelihood to about 50 percent of India’s population, yet contributes merely 17 percent to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Al Shriaan and Hassan, 2018, OECD, 20...
There is an urgent need for countries lacking investments in the agriculture sector, like developing countries, including LDCs and SIDs to catch up with global standards of productivity to ensure food security and nutrition. As per FAO’s March 2023 assessments, as many as 45 countries are in...
More interesting is the percentage of TSE in GDP because it provides an indication of the financial cost to the economy of the policy measures supporting the agricultural sector. As can be seen in Table 3, this ratio has decreased in both Korea and the EU over the decade under analysis, ...
In this context, the present study was aimed to understand the (i) existing status of food security in the county and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on it, (ii) institutional reforms introduced by the Government of India for building the resilience of food sector and, henceforth ...