Agreement with collective nouns in English : a corpus-based comparison of American, British, Australian and New Zealand EnglishKamil Ahmed Faraj
not people. “of people” is a prepositional phrase. Do not make the verb agree with the object of preposition. Collective nouns may be either singular or plural depending on the meaning of the sentence. You should determine agreement for each collective noun on sentence-by-sentence...
Teamis being used as a cohesive unit so a singular verb is required. The mock trial team were happy with their presentations to the judge. Teamis plural because separate presentations were given. Also, when the pluraltheiris used, the implication is that the collective noun is being used as...
Number agreement with collective nouns in New Zealand English∗. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 8(2), 247-259.Bauer, Laurie 1988. Number agreement with collective nouns in New Zealand English. Australian Journal of Linguistics 8: 247‐59....
Agreement With Collective Nouns and Indefinite Pronouns "Nouns such asfamily, choir, team, majority, minority —any noun that names a group of individual members — can be treated as either singular or plural, depending on context and meaning: ...
Pronoun Agreement With Collective Nouns "Acollective nounrefers to a group of people, things, or animals. . . . "When used as an antecedent, a collective noun can take either a singular or a plural pronoun, depending on how the antecedent is being used. When the emphasis is on the group...
Subject-Verb Agreement: collective nounsThe committee was formed in 2012. The committee are having sandwiches for lunch.We often use singular nouns that refer to groups of people (for example: team, government, committee) as if they were plural. This is because we often think of the group as...
Weallknowthesimplerulethatthepredicateverbofasentencehastoagreewiththesubjectin“person”and“number”.GrammaticalAgreement 语法一致原则 NotionalAgreement 意义一致原则 PrincipleofProximity 就近原则 Collectivenouns集体名词 1.Allthepeopleintheroomis/arelisteningtomusic.2.Thepolicehas/havebegunmakinginquiriesaboutthe...
"Company" is a collective noun which means that it can be singular but it refers to a group of people or things. "of actors" is a prepositional phrase that tells you about the subject, but it is not the subject. Here are more examples of collective nouns (in boldface), prepositional ...
Number agreement with collective nouns in New Zealand English ∗ The funds to pay informants to take part in the experiment described in this paper came from Victoria University of Wellington's Internal Research Committee, and I should like to thank them for their support in this project. I ...