If you have been working on drafting an electrical contract template, you have probably already realized that there are many kinds of electrical services contracts out there to look at. Choosing the right electrical contract agreement is important to be sure that your unique form is correctly ...
agreement, contract, treaty, convention, bargain, understanding, accord 这些名词均含"协定,协议,契约,合同"之意。 agreement:普通用词,含义最确定,泛指个人、团体或国家之间取得一致而达成的任何协议、协定或合同、契约等,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的。 contract:侧重指双方或多方订立的具有法律效力的正式的书面合...
Here’s an (extreme) example of the difference between an agreement and a contract. Let’s imagine you tell your friend Sarah she can come and stay at your house while she’s in the area. This is an agreement – there’s no consideration changing hands, there are no terms to comply...
Power producers conclude PPAs either bilaterally with a consuming company("Corporate PPA"),or with an electricity trader who purchases the electricity produced("Merchant PPA").The electricity trader may continue to supply power to a specific electricity consumer (turning the contract back into a"Corpo...
Need a secure contract agreement form? Easily edit one of our agreement forms to include your terms of service & generate electronic signatures for binding forms.
合同项可以指明采购的单一工厂,也可以为一个采购组织下所有工厂采购(central agreed contract)。对于Central agreed contract,供应商可以是整个法人团体,每个工厂可以向该团体的不同公司采购,运用合作伙伴功能实现。这样,就能为每一个工厂定义不同的条件(conditions),如:运费。
For example, in the case of a service contract agreement, a company may outline the rate of pay in exchange for the services provided by the other party. This makes sense when intangible services like cleaning or technical support need to be rendered. On the other hand, something like a re...
agreement onan agreement on arms reduction→see alsobreach of agreement,heads of agreement,memorandum of agreement–Acontractis a written legal document with all the details of a job or business arrangement, for example what someone must do and how much they will be paidMy contract stipulates(=...
What Is a Standstill Agreement? A standstill agreement is a contract that contains provisions that govern how a bidder of a company can purchase, dispose of, or vote stock of the target company. A standstill agreement can effectively stall or stop the process of ahostile takeoverif the partie...
the lender of the new mortgage may not agree to those terms and instead insist that the HELOC lender accept a subordination agreement. The HELOC lender may do so in return for a fee, as is most likely outlined in the terms of its contract with the homeowner. It also has the option to...