Adj. 1. agrarian - relating to rural matters; "an agrarian (or agricultural) society"; "farming communities" farming, agricultural rural - living in or characteristic of farming or country life; "rural people"; "large rural households"; "unpaved rural roads"; "an economy that is basically ...
a society is formed. Societies can be classified differently on the basis of their primary activities for sustaining life. An agricultural society is that which is based largely on the use of nature—the land, broadly defined to include soils, rocks, waters, plants, animals, and sustaining proc...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook agrarianism (redirected fromAgrarian (profession)) Related to Agrarian (profession):Agrarian society a·grar·i·an·ism (ə-grâr′ē-ə-nĭz′əm) n. 1.A movement for equitable distribution of land and for agrarian reform. ...
Ethnic Group Definition & Characteristics 6:10 Characteristics of Human Society 5:29 Characteristics of Information Society 5:00 Rural Community | Definition, Characteristics & Examples 3:52 Characteristics of Secondary Groups 3:52 Urban Society Definition, Characteristics & Examples 5:30 Herd ...
agrarian(adjective) agrarian/əˈgrerijən/adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of AGRARIAN [more agrarian; most agrarian] :of or relating to farms and farming a town founded in 1811 as anagrariancommunity anagrarianeconomy anagrariansociety...
In modern times, agrarianism could be defined as a society with a strong relationship with agriculture. This is because the word agrarian comes from the Latin word agrarius, which means "of the land." Agrarian is sometimes used as a synonym for the cultivation of land, which could include bo...
anagrarianeconomy/society/lifestyle agrarianreform/laws/revolution See also agricultural(Definition ofagrarianfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesofagrarian agrarian Preferential treatment accorded to collectivist organisations in theagrarianfield was matched in the ...
The editors' Introduction begins by observing that in spite of vast discussion in recent years there is still no accepted definition of a |peasant'. As Eric Wolf has emphasized, it is only because of outside pressures and demands that cultivators are turned...
Related to agrarianly: Agrarian societya·grar·i·an (ə-grâr′ē-ən) adj. 1. Relating to the cultivation of land; agricultural: an agrarian economy. 2. Relating to or concerning the land and its ownership, cultivation, and tenure: agrarian reform. n. A person who favors equitab...
As hunter-gatherer societies evolve into agrarian societies, so do agrarian societies evolve into industrial ones. When less than half the members of an agrarian society are actively engaged in agriculture, that society has become industrial. These societies import food, and their cities are centers...