"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
The meaning of AGRARIAN is of or relating to fields or lands or their tenure. How to use agrarian in a sentence. Did you know?
" corresponding to LatinLex agraria, the Roman law for the division of conquered lands, fromagrarius"of the land," fromager(genitiveagri) "a field," from PIE*agro-(cognates: Greekagros"field," Gothicakrs, Old Englishæcer"field;" seeacre). Meaning "having to do with cultivated land" ...
" corresponding to LatinLex agraria, the Roman law for the division of conquered lands, fromagrarius"of the land," fromager(genitiveagri) "a field," from PIE*agro-(cognates: Greekagros"field," Gothicakrs, Old Englishæcer"field;" see acre). Meaning "having to do with cultivated land" ...
AGRARIAN meaning: of or relating to farms and farming
What is the meaning of agrarian? Agrarian means that it is of the land. Agrarian is used as an adjective often to describe farming communities that only rely on farming. Is India an agrarian economy? An agrarian economy is an economy where a majority portion of the income of individuals is...
the word agriculture is a combination of the wordsagriderived from the Latin wordagermeaning “a field” andculturederived from the Latin wordculturameaning “cultivation,” more strictly meaning “tillage of the soil.” As such, the literal meaning of the English word agriculture is “tillage of...
These societies operated on principles of subsistence, meaning that people would hunt for and gather only as much food as they needed to survive. Methods of gathering food in these societies might include hunting for animals, fishing, and collecting various edible plants, roots, and berries. They...
同样来自于: 1610s agrarian的使用趋势 改编自 books.google.com/ngrams/. Ngrams 数据仅供参考。 分享"agrarian" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofagrarian 广告 想移除广告吗?查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。
它是“平原、開闊鄉村”的假想來源,它的存在證據由以下詞彙提供:梵語 ajras “平原、開闊鄉村”,希臘語 agros “田野”,拉丁語 ager(屬格 agri)“田野”,哥特語 akrs,古英語 æcer “田野”。 廣告agrarian的趨勢 廣告僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of agrarian...