AGNC Investment started at neutral with $18.25 stock price target at Wedbush Jan. 10, 2020 at 7:19 a.m. ET by Tomi Kilgore AGNC Investment started at neutral with $16.50 stock price target at UBS Jun. 21, 2019 at 9:58 a.m. ET by Tomi Kilgore Income Investing Jim Grant: The...
AGNC Investment started at neutral with $18.25 stock price target at Wedbush Jan. 10, 2020 at 7:19 a.m. ET by Tomi Kilgore AGNC Investment started at neutral with $16.50 stock price target at UBS Jun. 21, 2019 at 9:58 a.m. ET by Tomi Kilgore Income Investing Jim Grant: The...
agnc investment corp agnc : nasdaq export watchlist + rt quote | last nasdaq ls, vol from cta | usd after hours: last | 7:56 pm est 10.30 +0.01 ( +0.09% ) volume 184,058 close 10.29 +0.07 ( +0.68% ) volume 18,732,460 52 week range 8.92 - 10.85 summary news profile earnings ...
AGNC Investment CorpAGNC:NASDAQ RT Quote|Last NASDAQ LS, VOL From CTA|USD After Hours:Last |03/14/25 EDT 10.25UNCH(UNCH) Volume 87,531 Close 10.24+0.21(+2.00%) Volume 18,258,647 52 week range 8.92-10.85 SummaryNewsProfileEarningsPeersFinancialsOptionsOwnership ...
The Premier Agency Residential Mortgage REIT $8.3B Market Capitalization 389% Total Stock Return Since IPO 15.6% Dividend Yield Stock Quote: $10.20 ▲0.16 (1.54%) | NASDAQ: AGNC 03/14/25, 2:50 PM Where Investing Creates Opportunity
/TTM2 N/A 每股盈利 1 N/A 收益率3 /TTM4 N/A 派息比率 /每股派息 3 N/A 市账率(倍) /资产净值5 交易所 NASD 量比 /委比(延迟) 换手 振幅 平均成交量(3个月) 2.96万 最近派息 内容 股息:USD0.438 除净日 2022-03-31 派息日期 2022-04-15 ...
手机东方财富网是东方财富网的手机门户网站,为亿万用户打造一个手机联通世界的超级平台,提供7*24小时全面及时的财经中文资讯,内容覆盖国内外突发事件、股市资讯、全球新闻、产业资讯、实用信息等。手机东方财富网触屏版 -
手机东方财富网是东方财富网的手机门户网站,为亿万用户打造一个手机联通世界的超级平台,提供7*24小时全面及时的财经中文资讯,内容覆盖国内外突发事件、股市资讯、全球新闻、产业资讯、实用信息等。手机东方财富网触屏版 -
AGNC Investment Corp. - Depositary Shares, each representing a 1/1,000th interest in a share of Series E Fixed-to-Floating Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Stock (AGNCO.US) 纳斯达克 (美元) 升跌 成交量 买价(延迟) 前收市价/开市 / ...
手机东方财富网是东方财富网的手机门户网站,为亿万用户打造一个手机联通世界的超级平台,提供7*24小时全面及时的财经中文资讯,内容覆盖国内外突发事件、股市资讯、全球新闻、产业资讯、实用信息等。手机东方财富网触屏版 -