AGM-69A SRAMart, awesomeness, drawings, history, Monthly Historical Documents Program, nukes, Patreon, rockets Add comments Dec 162020A recently donated blueprint of the AGM-69A Short Range Attack Missile: I’ve made available to above-$10 subscribers and patrons both the full resolution scan...
AGM-69A SRAMhi-rez, Monthly Historical Documents Program, nukes, Patreon, rockets Add comments Dec 162020A recently donated blueprint of the AGM-69A Short Range Attack Missile: I’ve made available to above-$10 subscribers and patrons both the full resolution scan of the above, as well as...
This is a report of an occupational survey of the AGM-69A Missile Analyst (AFS 316XOT) and Missile Electronic Equipment (AFS 316X2T) specialties completed in September 1979. The 316XOT personnel are responsible for maintaining the AGM-69A (SRAM) missile system, and the 316X2T personnel ...
Service life estimates for the SRAM rocket motor and ordnance devices are contained in this document. Results of the initial survey are scheduled for publication in Fiscal Year 1974, and annually thereafter. The purpose of this document is to present the life expectancy of components to allow orde...
9A Joint Test Unit. AGM-69A Joint Test Unit.AGM-69A Joint Test Unit.Air to surface missilesPayloadShort range(Distance)Flight testingLogistics supportReliabilityFuze settersAnomaliesElectromagnetic interferenceSRAM missileThis report contains the Strategic Air Command's assessment of the operational utility...