January 21, 2025Aviation76-0086, Anti-Satellite Missile, Boeing AGM-69 Short Range Attack Missile, F-15A-17-MC, Ling-Temco-Vought ASM-135, LTV Aerospace Altair 3, McDonnell Douglas F-15A Eagle, Ralph B. FilburnBryan Swopes McDonnell Douglas F-15A-17-MC Eagle 76-0086 carrying an LTV ASM...
An air-to-surface and air-to-air solid-fuel guided missile that uses inertial guidance for complete immunity to jamming; target coordinates are fed into the missile by a computer on the aircraft just before launch. Abbreviated SRAM. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, ...
The operational test launch kit for the AGM-69 (SRAM) missile is composed of seven components which are presently packaged in individual containers. To facilitate ease of handling and use, it was decided to develop a consolidation and carrying case for the units. Prototype containers and items ...
狂飙突进——五秒加速到十马赫的斯普林特核反导导弹(Sprint Missile) 455 -- 1:23 App 美国德事隆系统G-CLAW小型智能武器演示 1.4万 2 0:13 App 10月31日俄罗斯驻联合国代表要求讨论乌克兰昆虫武器问题,并表示“带病毒或细菌”的鸟类和蚊子会感染俄罗斯士兵。 3243 4 0:51 App 【法国】阵风战斗机 降落美国...
AGM-69 SRAM是将“AGM-69 SRAM"翻译成 法文。 译文示例:The W69 missile warhead was produced in the early 1970s for use in the AGM-69 SRAM Short Range Attack Missile. ↔ L'ogive W69 a été fabriquée au début des années 1970 pour être embarquée à bord du missile SRAM. AGM-69...
地狱火终极版,美国AGM-179导弹,堪称是目前最强的反坦克导弹? 2023年10月25日 其中,英国独自购买了9.574亿美元的AGM-179联合空对地导弹(Joint Air-to-Ground Missile, JAGM),数量为3000枚,使得导弹的单价高达32万美元。芬兰和立陶宛则分别购买了AGM-158B... 归墟剖析 ...
As a result of testing, it is recommended that the Aero 51 B Munitions Handling Trailer be nuclear safety certified for use with the AGM-69 (SRAM) system when incorporated with the MHU-71/E Guided Missile Handling Rail Sets. The test procedures, test data, notation of test observations, ...