在JCM的开发终止之后,后续有可能取代AGM-114的是被称为联合空对地导弹(Joint Air-to-Ground Missile, JAGM)的开发计划[2]。JAGM是一个计划要同时取代AGM-65、AGM-114与BGM-71拖式导弹的共用导弹计划,其用途与所使用的技术大体与JCM雷同,主要的差异在于开发时程的规划较长,因此在预算上较JCM更为可行[2]。
The AGM-114 Hellfire is an air-to-ground missile (AGM) Render pipeline compatibility The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render ...
Army: AH-64 Apache Marine: AH-1W Super Cobra Air Force: MQ-1 Predator, Reaper Warhead: Shaped charge and blast fragmentation Hellfire is an air-to-ground, laser guided, subsonic missile with significant anti-tank capacity. It can also be used as an air-to-air weapon against helicopters or...
美国陆军原本预计开发AGM-169联合通用导弹(Joint Common Missile, JCM)并预计在2011年时启用,以同时取代地狱火II与AGM-65小牛式导弹。JCM可以结合多种导引和多种弹头于一体,不必像地狱火划分多种弹种。但在2006会计年度,美国国防部为了节约预算取消了包含JCM在内的诸多研发方案。虽然军方反应JCM的超高弹性可以大量装配...
rocket,missile,bomb,guided,laser,hell,fire,hellfire,arm,114,air,to,ground,u.s.,aircraft,airplane,helicopter,weapon,equipment,war,military,explode,explosive,anti,tank,force,air Technical details - Asset model has 9 objects - Asset model has: ...
AGM-114 "地狱火 "是一种发射后不管的反坦克装甲导弹,主要供直升机使用。它被美国陆军、海军和海军陆战队广泛使用。 开发激光制导的发射后不管的反坦克导弹的计划于1971年启动,名称为直升机发射的发射后不管的导弹“Helicopter Launched Fire and Forget Missile”(导致缩写为地狱火“Hellfire”)。激光指示器和制导部...
AGM-114 Hellfire II is a combat-proven an air-to-ground tactical missile system using multiple launch platforms based on air, sea and ground.
3D模型许可:标准升级许可证 仅供社论使用 格式 原生 3ds Max 9 | V-Ray 3D 模型 产品规格 22,336 多边形 Polygonal 几何 物料 Unknown 未包装UV 产品编号:731454 Mar 22, 2013 3D模型武器弹药导弹飞机导弹地狱之火 3D模型lockheed martin Hellfire Missile Launcher AGM 114 ...
AGM-114 HELLFIREFeatures the AGM-114K Hellfire II missile, a sub-sonic, air-to-ground, laser-guided munitions of the U.S. Navy. Specifications of the missile; Contractor; Length of them missile.Sea Power