Financials © 2007 MGM Wireless Holdings Pty Ltd. INCOME Op Revenue Op Profit (loss) Net profit (loss) EPS (Cents) BALANCE SHEET Current Assets Non Current Assets Current Liabilities Non Current Liabilities Net Assets & Shareholders' Funds CASH FLOWS: Cash on hand (at open) Operating ...
Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) is the leading standards organisation of the global jewellery and watch industry. It has over 1,800 member companies in 71 countries, that span the jewellery supply chain from mine to retail. RJC Members commit to and are independently audited ...
Limited,擔任助理會計師.自1999年4月至2001年4月,彼擔任澳洲7-Eleven Stores Pty. Ltd.的財 務分析師.彼亦自2001年11月至2004年9月任職於Prada Asia Pacific Limited,最終擔任的職位為 庫務分析師.自2004年9月至2011年2月,彼於Christian Dior Far East Limited擔任業務分析師, 其後於2007年12月晉升至總經理...
(Asia Pacific) Limited (previously JF Asset Management Limited) Level 21, Chater House 8 Connaught Road, Central Hong Kong 1 JPMorgan Investment Funds Management and Administration Management Company, Registrar and Transfer Agent, Global Distributor and Domiciliary Agent JPMorgan Asset Management (...