Renogy 12V 200Ah Core Series Deep Cycle Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery - Supports Series Connection for 24V/48V Systems 1 Pack $699.99 $719.99 x1 x x x View more bundles Total Bundle Price $2,319.95 $2,139.95 Add Bundle to Cart Renogy AGM Batteries: Trusted Worldwide with Exceptional Safety...
Renogy 12V 100Ah Core Series Deep Cycle Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery 2 Pack($299.99/Each) $599.98 $679.98 x1 x x x View more bundles Total Bundle Price $929.97 $819.97 Add Bundle to Cart Renogy AGM Batteries: Trusted Worldwide with Exceptional Safety and Extreme Performance!
MARIBAT蓄电池 MRC12-12 12V12AH AGM VRAL阀控式铅酸蓄电池 北京狮克电源科技有限公司 4年 北京市昌平区 ¥431.00 12V80Ah免维护阀控式太阳能路灯胶体铅酸蓄电池AGM/GEL Battery 扬州维可创光伏新能源有限公司 4年 回头率: 37.5% 江苏 扬州市邗江区 ¥34.68 成交20个 6V12ah AGM免维护阀控...
批发YTX12A-BS摩托车电瓶12V12AH启动免维护铅酸AGM蓄电池Battery 清远市晨康科技有限公司 8年 回头率: 0% 广东 广州市白云区 ¥450.00 成交9只 AGM启停电瓶汽车蓄电池适配德系车C200C260GLC260E260威臣总代理 广州市晶丰贸易有限公司 11年 回头率: 0% 广东 广州市白云区 ¥1292.00 AGM12LPA...
LONG WAY, is a leading battery manufacturer. The products range covers voltages from 2V to 24V, catering to various industrial and commercial applications.
型号 SBY-AGM-12-12 货号 001 德国BATTERY DIRECT蓄电池SBY-AGM-12-12足容量12V12AH 性能曲线 保证所售商品均为行货,承诺假一罚十。 (1)阻燃的单向排气阀使电池且具有长寿命 (2) 吸附式玻璃纤维技术使气体复合效率高达99%,使电解液具有免维护功能(3) UL的认证的组件(4) 多元格的电池设计使电池安装和...
The innovative Gel Technology does not only combines the advantages of lower internal resistance of deep cycle battery , but also do have much better thermal stability and longer cyclic life . Product Parameters Brand Name: KOYAMA Model Number: NPS100-12 Usage: solar pa...
定额容量 12AH 外形尺寸 见说明mm 化学类型 铅酸免维护电池 可售卖地 全国 类型 储能备用蓄电池 型号 SBY-AGM-12-12 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价...
HTD12-300 12 300/20HR 520 268 220 226 77.0 77.5 M8 Solar battery FEATURES AND BENEFITS Φ Long life and supper stability under high temp. environment Φ Electrolyte immobilized as gel state, no leakage and no stratification. Φ Supper deep cycle life at high temperature ...
Battery Model NP200-12 Voltage & Capacity C20 12V 200AH Dimension(mm) L522*W240*H219*TH244mm Application Solar/Wind / Home Energy Storage System, Smart Powe /Solar Power Generation Grid or Off-grid System Value Regulated Lead Acid Batteries With the latest advance...