The Role of Local Government: Land-Use Controls and Aging-Friendliness. For good and ill, it is up to City Hall to ensure that shelter-based services generally meet the needs of older people and their neighbors. This article describes the role of local politics in making communities aging-...
W09-003 LOCAL LAND-USE CONTROLS AND AGING-FRIENDLINESS By Larry A. Rosenthal May 2009 These papers are preliminary in nature: their purpose is to stimulate discussion and comment. Therefore, they are not to be cited or quoted in any publication without the express permission of the authors. ...
Growing economic disparities, climate crises, and the global pandemic have amplified challenges to aging well across the lifespan. This chapter provides an overview of the age-friendly movement both internationally and within the United States. It examines how the concept of age-friendliness has ...
A Practical Methodology for Improving the Aging-Friendliness of Communities: Case Studies from Three U.S. CommunitiesLauren Evans, DrPHMia R Oberlink, MAPhilip B Stafford, PhDInnovation in Aging
Informal practices strengthened the capacity of these rural communities to address social exclusion of older people and enhanced local aspects of age-friendliness. The findings are discussed in light of the diversity of rural older people and their communities, transformative process of change and the ...
Promoting age-friendliness of communities and supporting aging in place (AIP) are of great importance in aging societies. However, little is known about the mechanism linking home and neighborhood features, older adults' global assessment of community, and their willingness to age-in-place despite ...
Understanding Aging in Place: Home and Community Features, Perceived Age-Friendliness of Community, and Intention Toward Aging in PlaceYeon Jin Choi, PhDThe Gerontologist
MayteMatia InstituteSocial SciencesDel Barrio, Elena, Sara Marsillas, Tine Buffel, An-Sofie Smetcoren, and Mayte Sancho. 2018. From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness. Social Sciences 7: 134. [CrossRef]
Erratum: Del Barrio, E. et al. From Active Aging to Active Citizenship: The Role of (Age) Friendliness. Social Sciences, 2018, 7, 134Note: In lieu of an , this is an excerpt from the first page.DelMatiaBarrioMatiaElenaMatiaMarsillas...