The Impact of an Educational Intervention on Newborn Care Practices and Survival Rates in Nigeria: A Mixed Methods Study In Phase Four, it was determined whether there had been any improvements in neonatal survival. Data regarding neonatal deaths six months before and six ... A Emmanuel 被引量...
DemographicTransition •"Population–TheLongView”ByNotestein,FrankW.in1945.•Transitionfromhighbirthanddeathratestolowbirthanddeathratesasacountrydevelopsfromapre-industrialtoanindustrializedeconomicsystem.FiveStagesoftheDemographicTransition FiveStagesofDemographicTransition •Stage1•Highbirthrates,highdeath...
Keeping in mind demographic and real economic growth forecasts we see that Big Pharma remains primarily interested only in the largest and most promising among the Emerging Markets, typically the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and to a lesser extent Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and Nigeria. ...