Some bones of the ankle and early developing long bone epiphyses may be identified in the first few years of life, whereas those of the carpus and later developing epiphyses do not reach a recognizable stage until well into the childhood years. There is yet another group of distinctive ...
In general, adaptation to aging-related losses may depend both on personal resources (e.g., sensory functioning, being extra- or introverted) as well as on contextual resources (e.g., access to supporting devices, availability of supporting infrastructure such as access to Internet or the ...
Aging Cell (2012) 11, pp181–186 Doi: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2012.00806.x HOT TOPICS Hot topics in epigenetic mechanisms of aging: 2011 Marı´a Berdasco1 and Manel Esteller1,2,3 1Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Programme (PEBC), Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)...
A group of organizations concerned with advocating for the well-being of older adults, fighting ageism and improving health care policy. Across the USA. Australian Association of Gerontology Connects professionals working in the aging related service industry and promotes awareness of aging related issues...
How about a VoIP videophone — for remote monitoring by a health care professional — plus regular teleconferences (with different topics covered each call) scheduled by councils on aging, enabling participation, and allowing for opt-in video images of participants. Well, that exists. Here’s one...
If you tolerate grains well, choose whole grains over enriched products. If gluten is a problem for you, as happens to many people by middle-age, consider a gluten-free grain like quinoa. Embrace a wide array of vegetables. Many older people can't handle fruit like they used to so if ...
help to reveal important aspects of organismal aging, as well as processes that leadtoaging-relatedbrain dysfunction. 从分子水平上研究衰老对大脑的影响有助于揭示机体衰老的分子机理,也有助于揭示衰老相关性脑功能异常的发生过程。
Metabolic pathways (and associated genes) implicated in the effects of CR now include those involved in growth (e.g., growth hormone, insulin, and IGF-1 signaling), as well as various proteins involved in the regulation of cell replication and stress resistance (including the sirtuins and mTOR...
with resultant reduction in the reserve capacities of the individual. Furthermore, the cells remaining in the elderly individual may not perform as well as those in the young. Certain cellular enzymes may be less active, and thus more time may be required to carry outchemical reactions. Ultimate...
dysplasia (MAD) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by growth retardation, postnatal onset of craniofacial anomalies with mandibular hypoplasia, progressive acral osteolysis, and skin changes including mottled pigmentation, skin atrophy, and lipodystrophy affecting the face as well as the ...