aging in place strategiesAging in place strategies such as home modification have potential to enable older persons to remain in their own homes. Home modifications may also prevent home accidents and reduce the need for nursing homes. The South East Senior Housing Initiative (SESHI) in Baltimore,...
Aging in place is a goal of many people who want to stay at home longer as they grow older. Learn how you can age in place. Tips, ideas & exact steps.
Aging in Place Consulting & Communications Consulting & Communications: Let us help you connect with the growing Aging in Place market by crafting compelling marketing messages that showcase your commitment to creating homes that stand the test of time. At Customized Aging, we believe that everyone...
AGING IN PLACE Aging in place is a new approach to eldercare. It allows the elderly to remain in their own homes as they age, rather than having to be moved to a nursing home or assisted living facility. To enable aging in place, there are many gadgets and tools that make it possible...
Seniors crave their independence and a sense of place. Almost all wish to remain in their own homes and to “age in place.” Being independent in your senior years benefits everyone. However, if aging brings illness, professional home caregiving may be unaffordable, saysThe Winston-Salem Journal...
Aging-In-Place-Remodeling is a full service remodeling company specializing in providing products and services allowing people to stay in their homes.
Planning ahead to keep your aging parents safe? Recovering from an illness? We modify and design your home to Age in Place safely.
Sharing what we know about aging in place home modifications. Blog posts and articles written by NAHB certified aging in place specialist.
in 2030. In addition, articles, like one found in theAARPmagazine, state that 90-percent of Americans 65 or older plan to live out the remainder of their lives in their homes. If retirees wish to safely stay in their homes, they must design their homes to accommodate these wishes. [1]...