ChapterTumosa, N. (2000). Aging and the eye. In M.H. Beers, et al. (Eds.), The Merk manual of geri- atrics (3rd updated ed.). Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories. Retrieved March 16, 2007, from mrkshared/mmg/sec15/ch126/ch126b.jsp...
Define aging. aging synonyms, aging pronunciation, aging translation, English dictionary definition of aging. n. 1. The process of growing old or maturing. 2. An artificial process for imparting the characteristics and properties of age. American Heritag
Aging is accompanied by changes in cognitive abilities and a great interest is spreading among researchers about aging impact on social cognition skills, such as the Theory of Mind (ToM). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been used in social cognition studies founding evidence of ...
Sex, gender, and aging 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 38 作者: MH Huyck 摘要: 1. Reviews findings on differences between genders in the experience of aging, and the effects of aging on gender roles. The former are examined in terms of sexism, morale, health, economic security, ...
Eye and visual health issues in older adults are prevalent, often undetected and untreated, but can contribute to poor physical and mental health issues, and higher mortality rates. The study describes state and local community rates of eye and visual health indicators (cataract, glaucoma, self-re...
The lid apparatus is an intricate and complex mechanism. Great functional and cosmetic importance is associated with the interaction of the lid, musculature, and tendon apparatus. Orbital mechanisms also play an important role, as in the case of the orbi
3. Lutein and the eye 3.1. Lutein in the retina The eye is made up of three separate layers, including the cornea and the sclera forming the outer fibrous layer; the uveal tract, which consists of the iris, ciliary body and choroid, forming the middle vascular layer; and the retina ...
Eye movements and attention: The role of pre-saccadic shifts of attention in perception, memory and the control of saccades Saccadic eye movements and perceptual attention work in a coordinated fashion to allow selection of the objects, features or regions with the greatest mome... M Zhao,TM ...
Look me in the eye : old women, aging and ageism Look me in the eye: Old women, aging, and ageism. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: PAGES(INTRO/BODY): 115 p. SUBJECT(S): Aged women; Ageism; Aging; Old age; Aged lesbians;Social conditions; Psychology. DISCIPLINE: No discipline assigned...
Aging and exercising There is no magic pill to reverse the aging process. But if you want to counter the biological mechanisms that drive age-related conditions, like the accumulation of senescent cells, you will need to exercise. "Just being more active throughout your day appears to be suff...