美国生物医学期刊Aging-US,创刊于2009年,由不知名出版社Impact Journals LLC以半月刊形式发行,期刊e-ISSN号为1945-4589,Pubmed检索名称为Aging (Albany NY)。 官网主页: https://www.aging-us.com/ 投稿网址: http://aging.msubmit.net/ 【先领再看】 怎么样才能让自己批阅半载、删改两旬、翻译三番后找到合...
aging (albany ny)影响因子:5.6817 影响因子现已成为国际上通用的期刊评价指标,它不仅是一种测度期刊有用性和显示度的指标,而且也是测度期刊的学术水平,乃至论文质量的重要指标。影响因子是一个相对统计量。 影响因子并非一个最客观的评价期刊影响力的标准。一般来说影响因子高,期刊的影响力就越大。对于一些综合类,...
Aging的全称是Aging-US,在Pubmed检索杂志名称时为Aging (Albany NY),于2008年创刊,与被踢出SCI的Oncotarget同属于美国Impact Journals出版社。 在创刊后,Aging有过非常风光的时候,三位诺贝尔奖得主Elizabeth Blackburn,Shinya Yamanaka,Andrew V. Schally分别于2008年11月、2010年6月、2012年11月在Aging上发表署名文章...
参考文献 [1]Yafit Hachmo et al. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trial. Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Nov 18;12. doi: 10.18632/aging.202188.
期刊名称:《Aging (Albany NY)》 | 2020年第24期 关键词: periodontitis; gut microbiota; older individuals; diabetes; systemic inflammation; 9.Profilin 2 promotes growth metastasis and angiogenesis of small cell lung cancer through cancer-derived exosomes 机译:Profilin 2通过癌症外来促进小细胞肺癌的生...
期刊名称:《Aging (Albany NY)》 | 2020年第9期 关键词: Girdin; acetylome; phosphorylome; pancreatic cancer; Cortactin; 8.Genetic variant of COL11A2 gene is functionally associated with developmental dysplasia of the hip in Chinese Han population 机译:COL11A2基因的遗传变异在功能上与中国汉族人群...
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Aging (Albany NY). 2010; 2:867–874. 5. Jyonouchi S, Forbes L, Ruchelli E, Sullivan KE.Dyskeratosis congenita: a combined immunodeficiency with broad clinical spectrum-asingle-center pediatric experience. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2011;22... S Amdani,Vivekananda Dasari,M Mendez,... - 《Ped...
Precious1GPT: multimodal transformer-based transfer learning for aging clock development and feature importance analysis for aging and age-related disease target discovery. January 13, 2023 [ MEDLINE Abstract ] Beyond the relationship between mitochondria and mobility in aging. January 12, 2023 [...