资料下载:Agilent安捷伦 真空计控制器RGC-100 Model RGC-100 Series Digital Vacuum Gauge Installation and Operation Manual(提取码:mqxa) 资料下载:Agilent安捷伦 真空计控制器6999-08-401A XGS-600 Unit Tilt Stand Kit Field Instruction Sheet(提取码:ddj8) ...
XGS-600™ Gauge ControllerProducts manufactured by Seller are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for twelve (12) months from date of shipment thereof to Customer, and Seller's liability under valid warrantyclaims is limited, at the option of Seller, to repair, to replace, ...
资料下载:Agilent安捷伦 真空计TQNA77E1 4 PiraniCapacitance Diaphragm Gauge PCG-750 PCG-752 Operating Manual(提取码:khrk) 本站Agilent安捷伦真空产品型号齐全,价格优惠,如本页未找到您所需要的产品,请联系我们15301310116(微信同号)。
安捷伦干式 IDP 涡旋泵为无油、紧凑型、噪音小的高性能真空泵。IDP 泵采用单面涡轮设计,可通过简单的工具直接执行 15 分钟的维护操作。高泵送速度和紧凑的尺寸使其成为研究,分析仪器和实验室市场中许多应用的理想选择。 IDP 泵具有气密性高的特点,电机和所有轴承均与真空气路完全隔离,这种设计能够延长轴承使用寿命,...