申请 安捷伦科技有限公司Agilent Technologies Co., Ltd. 1.5-3万·13薪 Channel Sales-流式产品 上海 外资(欧美) | 本科 | 5年及以上 申请 安捷伦科技有限公司Agilent Technologies Co., Ltd. 1.5-3万·13薪 Software Engineer 上海 外资(欧美) | 本科 | 3年及以上 申请 安捷伦科技有限公司Agilent Technol...
全称:安捷伦科技有限公司Agilent Technologies Co., Ltd。 Agilent is a leader in life sciences, diagnostics and applied chemical markets. The company provides laboratories worldwide with instruments, services, consumables, applications and expertise, enabling customers to gain the insights they seek. Agilent...
安捷伦科技有限公司(Agilent Technologies Co. Ltd.)是一家高科技合资企业。其中方投资者为中国电子进出口总公司,外方投资者为美国安捷伦科技公司。公司总部设在北京,在上海、广州、成都、深圳和沈阳等地设有分公司。 作为通信、电子和生命科学的,安捷伦科技在中国的发展可追溯至1977年,这一年,惠普创始人Bill Hewlett...
aAgilent Technologies Co., Ltd., Agilent技术Co.,有限公司,[translate]
The positions in the table below reflect the Agilent Technologies, Inc.'s position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Agilent Technologies, Inc. is listed. ...
It mentions that the researchers from Agilent Technologies Ltd. and Samsung Medical Center will work together to evaluate analytical technologies for the application in clinical environments. Also, it notes that they will examine clinical samples and create novel clinical assays....
Agilent TechnologiesAgilent Technologies总代Agilent Technologies现货 在线交流 发送询价 进入商铺 同类产品 联系方式:杨经理15921799099 联系我们时请说明是化工仪器网上看到的信息,谢谢!索取相关资料公司介绍主营产品 上海起发成立于2009 年,在浦东川沙拥有1100平米办公及仓储大楼,公司专注于生命科学科研试剂、仪器、耗材...
Agilent Technologies 气体纯化阀门说明书 Fig. 1 〨as Purge Valve Models Agilent Technologies Inc.121 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173, USA Agilent Technologies Italia S.p.A.Via F.lli Varian, 54 - 10040 Leinì (TO) - Italy Models 9699231, 9699235 Models 9699239, 9699241 Models 9699232, ...
Agilent Technologies begins work on Frederick manufacturing facility The Denver Gazette 08 Feb 2023 “Signature” Analysis of Complex Environmental Samples Using Nontargeted Two‑Dimensional Gas Chromatography The Column 03 Feb 2023 The 2050 Lab of the Future: Sustainability The Analytical Scientist...