对于快速、简单、可靠的微孔板封膜而言,安捷伦 PlateLoc 微孔板热封膜机因其具有成熟的平台、稳定紧凑的设计、简单易用的界面以及可供选择的消耗品为其添加的灵活性和通用性在同类产品中独占鳌头,成为首选的微孔板热封膜机。PlateLoc 微孔板热封膜机自动适应深孔板、试验微孔板、PCR 微孔板和化合物储存微孔板。安捷...
PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer 添加到收藏夹 索取报价单 特性 Certification CE Marking (EU) RCM (Australia) cCSAus Mark (Canada, USA NRTL) CycleTime Approximately 8 seconds per plate Heat Seal Clear and aluminum seal rolls, pierceable and peelable options ...
上海韬世美国Agilent微孔板封膜穿孔机安捷伦微孔板封膜穿孔机仅在 4 秒的循环时间内就能为 96 孔或 384 孔微孔板上的各种封膜进行准确穿孔。它是 PlateLoc 微孔板热封膜机的配套仪器,可作为独立单元使用,或整合到自动化系统中使用。 详细介绍 上海韬世美国Agilent微孔板封膜穿孔机 安捷伦微孔板封膜穿孔机仅在 4 秒...
平台可配置 Agilent PlateLoc 微孔板热封膜机、微孔板条形码贴标机或微孔板离心机 适用于需要自动化孔板封膜、条形码贴标和板离心的微孔板工作流程 将微孔板从板架转移到外围设备只需 8 秒 微孔板架容量可调节,每个微孔板架最多可容纳 60 块标准 SBS 微孔板 ...
SUR-100微孔板热封仪 WASP-2自动微孔板热封膜机 PX1 PCR热封仪/平板封口机 KBiosystems eSeal 全自动微孔板热封膜机 Agilent PlateLoc 微孔板热封膜机信息由安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Agilent PlateLoc 微孔板热封膜机报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。售后...
Data sheet:Agilent Bravo Metabolomics Sample Prep Platform Technical overview:Automated Metabolite Extraction for Plasma Download now Where it all starts: Metabolomics research requires dependable and consistent sample preparation. Watch now PlateLoc thermal microplate sealer ...
R Series Stacked PlateLoc Riser Short 根20,245.51 AJR-G5400-00007Agilent耗材Agilent安捷伦 Shelf, portrait, MiniHub 根8,003.97 AJR-G5239-69060Agilent耗材Agilent安捷伦 EXCH-Amplifier, RF HB 根46,303.65 AJR-G5239-61803Agilent耗材Agilent安捷伦
The sample plates were sealed with a removable seal using a PlateLoc, and placed in a 60 °C incubator for 1 hour. The plates were briefly centrifuged, seals were removed, and the samples were placed back on deck The protocol was continued with the addition of alkylant, alkylation ...
The Agilent Microplate Seal Piercer is a low cost automated microplate piercing station ideal for screening and compatible with a variety of seals and pin plates. As a complementary instrument to the Agilent PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer, the Microplate Seal Piercer pierces a wide variety of ...