用于5800/5900 ICP-OES 和 5110/5100 ICP-OES 系统的强大的安捷伦 ICP Expert 软件具有熟悉的工作表界面、简单的方法开发和预设方法,可简化分析并节省时间。智能功能可以在问题发生之前及时提供建议并解决问题,从而减少需要重新测定的样品数量,让您对分析结果充满信心。
Agilent Auxiliary Gas Module AGM 2 Accessory for ICP-OESNo part of this manual may bereproduced in any form or by anymeans (including electronic storageand retrieval or translation into aforeign language) without prioragreement and written consent from Agilent Technol...
用于5800/5900 ICP-OES 和 5110/5100 ICP-OES 系统的强大的安捷伦 ICP Expert 软件具有熟悉的工作表界面、简单的方法开发和预设方法,可简化分析并节省时间。智能功能可以在问题发生之前及时提供建议并解决问题,从而减少需要重新测定的样品数量,让您对分析结果充满信心。
3610006200 Pre-optics cone-Liberty axial ICP-OES 5,947.32 58 3710025400 Clear PVC tubing, 1 mm id, 1/pk 32.48 58 3710026390 Tubing VGA-76/77, GLS to abs. cell, 1/pk 653.08 58 3710026600 Tube plastic, 3/32 x 7/32 in., 1/pk 193.72 58 3710026700 TUBE ACID FLEXIBLE 0.051 IN ID 1...
G8010-60136 Filter Argon ICP-OES 5100 Series 2,345.52 58 G8010-60189 Spare filter,dusty env. air inlet 5100 738.92 58 G8010-60834 Link tubing SVS2 to Unifit Neb, 50mm 1/p 407.16 58 G8010-68018 O-Ring pre-optic window ax,5100 ICP 1/pk 452.40 58 G8010-68023 Right Angle Drain Fitt...
KREISEN KR-320T 32” WIDE LCD Color TV MONITOR Owner’s Manual说明书用户手册.pdf RING 8012PMH 系列条码标签打印机 说明书.pdf philips SAA3010 Infrared remote control transmitter RC-5 数据手册说明书.pdf Agilent 710 Series ICP-OES Specifications 说明书用户手册.pdf苏...
ICP‐MSn HPLC GC HPLC‐MSn GC‐MSn AA/ICP‐MSn HPLC‐SQ GC‐MSD 原子吸收 模块化液相色谱 HPLC‐Trap 台式气相色谱 GC‐QQQ ICP‐OES 移动式液相色谱 HPLC‐QQQ 微型气相色谱 GC‐Q‐Tof ICP‐MS 毛细管电泳 HPLC‐Tof...
Ulcer-Treatment Drugs at Intermediate pH on ZORBAX Bonus-RP Application Pharmaceutical Robert Ricker This medication for stomach ulcers, is a mixture of basic drugs. At intermediate pH, Highlights these compounds elute from Agilent ZORBAX Bonus-RP with reduced peak tailing ï Long Life over a wide...
As a result, samples previously mea- surable only by ICP-OES can now be measured directly by ICP-MS, using a 7500 ORS fitted with HMI. In this work, an Agilent 7500cx/HMI was used to test the system's ability to directly mea- sure high TDS soil extracts in aqua regia and meet ...
Teach Me in 10 – An Introduction to ICP-OES With Ross Ashdown Technology Networks/LabTube 03 Nov 2020 Biobanks Are Becoming Data Banks in the Era of Personalized Medicine Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN) 03 Nov 2020 Metabolomics Tools Adapt to Meet Researchers’ Needs Gene...