因此,8900 ICP-MS/MS 能够利用反应池气体和 离子/分子反应化学,并结合 MS/MS 模式,解决棘 手的光谱干扰问题 [4]。MS/MS 反应化学提供的干扰消除能力使上一代 Agilent 8800 ICP-MS/MS 在工业和研究实验室得到了广泛认可,如半导体设 备和高纯度化学品/材料制造、生命科学、地球科 学、放射性核素以及其他领域 ...
在本研究中,Agilent 8900 ICP-MS/MS 作为一种常规 工具用于分析食品样品消解液中的 30 种元素(包括 As 和 Se). 2 实验部分 有证标准物质 (CRM) 购自美国国家标准技术研究院 (NIST) 和 High-Purity Standards Inc. (Charleston, SC, USA) 的五种食品 CRM 用于本研究的分析.所用的 CRM 分别为 NIST ...
Removing the potential overlap so effectively allowed the accurate quantitation of phosphorus at low levels, even in the presence of ~700 ppm H 2SO 4.Determination of Trace Levels of Phosphorus in Environmental Samples with the 7500c ICP-MS System Application Introduction The determination of low ...
The calibration standards were prepared in an acid matrix of 1 % HNO3 and 0.5 % HCl to ensure the stability of the elements Ag, Sb, and Hg. Historically, HCl has been avoided in the preparation of samples for ICP-MS, due to the formation of Cl based interferences on As, Se, Cr and...
作者Steve Wilbur,Craig Jones 安捷伦科技公司,美国 使用 Agilent 7700x/7800 ICP-MS 按照美 国 EPA 方法 6020A 对高基质样品进行简单 可靠的分析 应用简报 环境 摘要 Agilent 7700x/7800 ICP-MS 集合了可消除多原子干扰单一碰撞池模式(氦运行 模式)简单性的特点和独特的高基质进样系统 (HMI) 优良基质耐受性...
Agilent 7500 Series ICP-MS Brochure(2)说明书用户手册.pdf,Agilent7500SeriesICP-MSBrochure(2)说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册Noch einfacher. Noch schneller. Noch präziser. Zeit für den Wechsel auf eine neue Ebene der ICP-MS Agil
Analysis of flue gas desulfurization wastewaters with the Agilent 7700x/7800 ICP-MS Application note Authors Richard Burrows TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. USA Steve Wilbur Agilent Technologies USA Environmental Introduction The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is in the process of revising...
Agilent 7850 ICP-MS Instrument Free your ICP-MS analysis from common time traps with the Agilent 7850 ICP-MS. It’s the smart way to reduce wasted time so busy staff can focus on tasks that deliver value. The 7850 ICP-MS instrument can handle samples with up to 25% solids, reducing th...
Agilent 7850 ICP-MS Free your workflow from common time traps Time Traps in your ICP-MS Laboratory At every stage of a routine ICP-MS analysis workflow, unproductive and often unnecessary activities—time traps—can eat into your productivity and profitability. The costs to a lab are not just...