E8257D-520 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 20 GHz Selects the maximum frequency of the signal generatorE8257D-532 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 31.8 GHz Selects the maximum frequency of the signal…
Agilent E8257D PSG 分析信号生成器数据手册说明书 Agilent E8257D PSG Analog Signal Generator Data Sheet The Agilent E8257D is a fully synthesized signal generator with high output power, low phase noise, and optional ramp sweep capability.Specifications apply over a 0 to 55 °C range, unless ...
Agilent E8257D PSG微波分析信号生成器配置指南说明书 Agilent E8257D PSG Microwave Analog Signal Generator Configuration Guide This guide assists in the ordering process of the E8257D PSG microwave analog signal generator.You Can Upgrade! Options can be added after initial purchase.1981 ...
E8257D PSG 模拟信号发生器,100 kHz 至高达 67 GHz PSG信号源型号频率范围: E8257D频率范围 :250KHz---13GHz(513选件) E8257D频率范围 :250KHz---20GHz(520选件) E8257D频率范围 :10MHz---20GHz(521选件高输出功率) E8257D频率范围 :250KHz---31.8GHz(532选件) E8257D频率范围 :250KHz---40GHz...
Signal Generator Model 16720A HP 8753C 失量网络分析仪 300KHz - 6GHz HP 8753D 失量网络分析仪 30KHz - 3GHz Agilent E5071C 9KHz - 8.5GHz R&S ZNB40 10Hz - 40Ghz Agilent J6800A JDSU ANT-20高级网络测试仪 Agilent J7232A 通信性能分析仪 ...
内容文稿说明讲稿agilent signal generators.pptx,Agilent Signal Generator Wang Chuangye;Contents;信号源的原理;信号源的分类 ;信号源的分类-电子系统需要的测试信号;信号源的分类-电子系统需要的测试信号;信号源的分类-正弦信号在测量中的应用 ;信号源的分类-调制信号在
Notice: This document contains references to Agilent. Please note that Agilent’s Test and Measurement busi-ness has become Keysight Technologies. For more in-formation, go to www.keysight.com.Keysight E8257D/57N/67D and E8663D PSG Signal Generators Add Option UNX (Ultra-Low Phase Noise ...
Agilent HP E8257D /520/ Signal Generator Nettest FD440 Portable Chromatic Dispersion System Agilent HP 8703A Lightwave Component Analyzer Advantest R3681 WCDMA Mobile Phone Tester Agilent HP 8719ES Network Analyzer 50MHz-13.5GHz JDSU Acterna ONT-506 Optical Network Tester ...
This MATLAB example has been tested on an N5182A MXG but should work on other Agilent signal sources including these MXG, ESG, and PSG models: E4428C,E4438C,N5181A,N5182A,N5183A,E8241A,E8244A,E8251A,E8254A,E8247C,E8257C, E8267C,E8257D,E8267D,E8663B,N8211A,N8212A. ...
Agilent introduces the industry's first microwave signal generator that breaks the one-watt output power barrier, the PSG E8257D. The ultrahigh output of this instrument eliminates the need for supplementary hardware such as amplifiers, couplers and detectors. The Agilent 1290 Infinity Liquid Chromatog...