Agilent 33210A 10MHz函数/任意波形发生器用户指南 热度: 33220A_函数任意波形发生器用户手册 热度: Agilent 33250A80 MHz 函数 任意波形发生器 热度: 相关推荐 Agilent33220A 20MHzFunction/ ArbitraryWaveformGenerator ServiceGuide PublicationNumber33220-90012(orderas33220-90100manualset) Edition3,May2007 ...
For user defined waveforms, option 002 provides 14-bit, 50 MSa/s 8K point Arbitrary Waveform Generation. Pulse generation The 33210A can generate variable-edge-time pulses up to 5 MHz. With variable period, pulse width, and amplitude the 33210A is ideally suited to a wide variety of ...