敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; 出活快,...
Whether your team uses Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban or just wants to track issues, Taiga is an ideal agile project management tool. Its features include an intuitive backlog and sprint planning, a sprint board with swim-lanes per user story and a sprint dashboard with a burndown chart, fully cu...
I don’t know about you, but I have mixed results thinking that through in my head. I have to work through it on paper. One thing I find is really helpful for exploring an epic (particularly at the beginning of a new project) is tostoryboardit. Here’s one view of what the major...
Check also Epic vs Story –main differences. Use Miro to create Agile user stories User stories are a small but essential part of an Agile framework. They encourage you to look at your software from the perspective of the end-user, which helps you deliver features and functionalities that imp...
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; 出活快,...
So if you use Agile language in-house, you can’t switch the name of a project task in ClickUp to “epic” or “story” inside the software. It’s not a huge deal, though other tools let you customize sections inside the software to match how you talk about things with your team. ...
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; ...
Epic is an equivocal user story or we can say that these are user stories which are not defined and are kept for future sprints. Just try to relate it with life, imagine you are going for a vacation. As you are going next week, you have everything in place like your hotel bookings...
敏捷开发的核心逻辑是解构,把软件需求分解成Epic or story,通过一轮开发迭代(sprint)实现相应的功能。一轮sprint包含:需求确认->方案制定->coding->台架验证->实车验证->rolling candidate版本验证->代码合入 敏捷的优点在于: 拥抱不确定性,发生需求变更,那就直接来一轮sprint,如果还不够,那就来两轮; ...
我们都知道 salesforce是主动拥抱敏捷的,而且大部分的salesforce项目使用敏捷方式进行开发和迭代是很方便和...